Chapter 2

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Galaxy's POV

I was called into Nova Corps headquarters and I wasnt sure why or wha I have done. Lucky for me I wasnt alone since my best friend Gia was also called here.

"What did I do? My mother wasnt clear. I dont think I did anything wrong." Gia says.

"Im sure you didnt. Although your mother is taking to my parents right now. Cant understand him, but my father is angry." I say.

It was like whatever Nova Prime was saying my dad just got angrier and angrier.

"Mr.Quill I assure you that..." Nova Prime says.

"I said no! Im sorry Nova Prime, but she will not be going anywhere. Lex come on." My dad says.

I got up and followed him out. He sure was in a mood kicking anything in his path. I noticed the rest of the Guardians by the fountain as I watched my father just kick things. Though that stopped when he kicked the cement around the fountain and grabbing his foot in pain.

"Way to go dumbass." Rocket says.

"Do not start with me!" My dad yells.

I've never seen him this mad and that kind of terrified me.

"Peter you need to calm down. Your scaring our daughter." My mom says and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Ohh.. Lex Im sorry I didnt mean to startle you. Gamora I didnt mean to yell at you in there. I just hated what she was asking." My dad says.

"What did she ask?" Drax asks.

"She...." My dad says, but stops when he looked at me.

"Hey Lexi why dont you take Groot and go get some food and take it back to the Milano." My mom says and handed me Groot.

"Umm... Okay." I say and walked away.

I wonder what that was about.

Gamora's POV

Once Lexi was out of sight I hit Peter in the back of the head.

"Ow." Peter says.

"Peter you really lost you cool in there. You yelled at Nova Prime, You yelled at me, your kicking everything in anger, you yelled at Rocket for no reason, and you scared Lex. Peter I know what she was asking terrified you, but you didnt have to acted that way." I say.

"I ask again what happened?" Drax asks.

"Nova Prime has been in contact with Earth. They want to send two down to a small town and show that Aliens are not a threat." I say.

"Why did they need to see you guys?" Nebula asks.

"They want to send Nova Prime's daughter Gia and Lexi to Earth." I say.

"And now we know why Quill lost his cool." Rocket says.

"So is she going?" Kraglin asks.

"No she isnt going. Im not sending my daughter to Earth." Peter says.

Peter stormed off and I knew I had to follow after him to talk to him more.

"Guys please find Lex and Groot and take them back to the Milano. Though dont mention anything to Galaxy." I say.

"Can we tell Groot though?" Mantis asks.

I didnt respond to that cause I had to find Peter. When I did find Peter I saw him just sitting on a bench.

"I know Earth is where your mother died and you dont want her to go, but Peter she can prove that our kinds arent bad." I say.

"You dont get it. I dont want her to go because have you seen her. She wont fit in there and she will be bullied and hurt because she is very different. Gia can fit in no problem, but our daughter cant and they can really hurt her Gamora. I know how people act and when someone is just alittle bit different they get hurt. She is very very different and she could be very badly hurt." He says.

"I know and Im worried about that to, but dont you think she should at least have a say in this. Its for a good cause and could help alot." I say.

"I guess." He says.

Galaxy's POV

Things were weird on the Milano like very very weird. Drax, Mantis, Nebula, Kraglin, and Rocket just kept staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I am Groot." Groot says.

"We're not acting creepy. You acting creepy."Rocket says.

I couldnt take the staring anymore so I went to my room. Though it didnt take long when my door opened.

"Hey Galaxy. We need to talk about why Nova Prime wanted you at Nova Corp today." My dad says.

"Okay." I say.

"Lex hun you know how your father is from Earth?" My mom questions.

"Yeah." I say.

"Well Nova Prime wants to send you and Gia to Earth. Kind of a mission to get humans and aliens on good terms. A small town and homes have been assigned and they just need two." She says.

"They want me and Gia to go to some small human town and what get ourselves or me to be more accurate to be sent back." I say.

"Thats my girl say no to the idea. Let them choose someone else. Someone more blend-in-able." My dad says.

"Peter." My mom says.

"You think they would hate me because I wont fit in as well as Gia?" I ask.

"Oh god. No I... Isnt that what you meant?" My dad questions.

"No. I meant I would be more likely to be sent back because I stay on my own and keep to myself. They would send me back for someone less of a loner." I say.

"Ohhh... Thats what I thought you meant." He says.

"Give it up Peter you blew it." My mom says.

My mom push him out of my room leaving me with my thoughts. Earth? Me? Me on Earth? No way... Well maybe, but my dad's right I could never fit in. Im just too different for Earth Im even to different for any other place in the Galaxy. Im just too different.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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