Chapter 14

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Galaxy's POV

I was in my room and I wasnt as happy as I thought I would be. When I first left space I thought I would be so happy back home, but that all changed. It changed when I made friends and found a boy. I was lost in thought when my door opened.

"Hey. Can we talk?" Mantis asks.

"Sure come in. Whats up?" I question.

"Why didnt you want to hug me? Do you not like me anymore?" She asks.

"No. I just am going through alot of feelings and... Hey can you make me not feel anything? If so how long would that last?" I ask.

"I dont know if I can do that, but if I can I dont know how long it will last." She says.

"Just do it. Just push past all my feels and dont tell any about this." I say.

"If thats what you want. Then I'll try." She says.

She reached out and grabbed my hands and her antennas started to glow. Normally when she touches people it doesnt hurt, but a pain started to over come me. It hurt and I couldnt help, but scream. Then she let go of my hands and backed away from me as the rest of the Guardians came into the room.

"What was that?" My dad asks.

"Umm.. She.." Mantis says.

"She what Mantis?" My mom asks.

"Nothing Gamora. I did nothing and if this bug says otherwise I'll crush her." I say.

"What the hell?" Rocket questions.

"Oh shut it you stupid furry thing. News flash no one likes you. So back off." I say.

"Galaxy Meredith Quill! You will not give anyone any disrespect. You stop acting like that right now!" My dad demands.

"Ugh. Shut it Starloser. No one cares what you say." I say and push by all of them.

I felt nothing absolutely nothing and I cant even remember what I was feeling before.

Gamora's POV

"Okay Mantis what did you do?" I ask.

"I cannot say she wont be happy." Mantis says.

"Tell us now!" I demand.

"She asked me to remove all feelings from her body. I told her I was unsure if I could do that." She says.

"Well you clearly could do it." Drax says.

"I guess I could. Though I dont know how long this will last." Mantis says.

"So we are stuck with a bratty girl for who knows how long. This is not gonna be good." Rocket says.

Rocket is right and I just dont understand why Galaxy would do this. Oh Lex what have you done.

(On Earth)

Archie's POV

I took Vegas for a walk in the park and I ended up running into Reggie. He just decided to come with us just to talk. Then we saw Jughead and Betty who also joined us. We all just couldnt stop talking about Galaxy and Gia. Veronica then saw us and joined in as well. They still dont know about the communicator, but I carry it everywhere just incase she calls. Then out of nowhere Vegas started barking and he ran off.

"Vegas! Come back!" I yell.

We all chased after him and he had stopped at nothing and just kept barking.

"Andrews whats wrong with your dog?" Reggie asks.

"I dont know. Vegas stop." I say and grabbed ahold of his collar.

Just then some smoke appeared and a door opened. There were some blue people and some gold people.

"Who are you people?" Betty asks.

"Doesnt matter. All we have to ask is do you people know Galaxy Quill?" The gold woman asks.

"Yes we do why?" I question.

"Grab them and the beast too." The gold lady says.

After that everything went dark.

(On Xandar)

Gia's POV

I saw Galaxy acting up and acting like a brat. So I went over to the Milano to ask the Guardians what happened.

"So thats what happened. Any thing you can do to help her please try it." Gamora says.

"I could try." I say.

I left the Milano and went towards my mom's work. When I got there I heard her saying things, but I couldnt make out what she was saying until I heard something crazy.

"What do you mean the Kree and Sovereign abducted people from Earth? This is bad! This is very very bad." My mom says.

"Oh my god." I say to myself.

I have to find Galaxy. Like right now.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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