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"Baby wake up." Zach whispered while rubbing the side of my cheek.

"I don't wanna." I mumbled pulling the covers over my head.

"Come on Baby we have to go back home Lyric probably misses us." He smiled pulling the covers off my head.

"She better miss us especially me I put to much work into her." I chuckled pulling the cover back over my head.

"Emily we have to get back home." He mumbled while getting out of bed.

"Can you go get coffee and get me up-."

"No you can get out of bed now or um get out of bed now we have to get back to our kid." He growled while pulling the cover off of me.

"Fine." I sighed sitting up and pulling my hair up into a ponytail. "Now can you go get me coffee."

"We can get coffee after you get ready." He chuckled leaning on the bed and pecking my lips. "The sooner you get ready the sooner you get your coffee."

"Fine." I huffed and got out of bed and started getting ready. "you know you can really be a asshole sometimes."

"Yeah yeah I know." He laughed hitting my butt then walking to the bathroom.

"Zach really." I yelled hitting the bathroom door.

"I have to do my hair." He laughed while opening the door.

"Don't be a dick." I sighed and he shook his head. "What now."

"Your comments are very mean first I'm a bitch now I'm a dick-."

"Wait are you really mad at me babe I was just joking." I asked while turning and looking at him.

"It really doesn't feel like it sometimes." He scoffed walking out of the bathroom.

"Babe come on you know you aren't a bitch or a dick you're cute and funny and I love you." I sighed while following him to the bed. He sat down and I stood in between his legs. "First everything remember we have a beautiful baby girl back home and we are getting married I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

"Not my feelings just my ego." He sighed wrapping. His arms around my waist and laying his head on my stomach.

"Well I'm sorry I hurt your perfect ego Zach." I giggled while playing with his hair.

"Stop that." He mumbled pulling away from me and looking me in my eyes. "I want another baby."

"Zach we already have one can't we wait till Lyric is at least 1 before we start getting ready to have another kid." I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah." He sighed putting his head back on my stomach.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now