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"You're so much cooler than my dad he wasn't-."

"Hey we agreed to mom that we wouldn't talk about dad if we aren't with him." Lyric said while looking at Chase.

"You know my dad left to you have it easy you got to know yours and you still see him I've met the man once he's in prison and once he found out I was a doctor he became unknown but my mom did have a boyfriend I call him my old man he taught me how to throw a football I led our team to the state championship." Brady smiled while sitting on the ground with Lyric and Chase. He looked at me and I smiled. He hurt knowing they only see Zach on the weekends and then only every other weekend.

"Are you and mom dating." Chase asked and I cleared my throat.

"And I oop." Gabbie chuckled and I nudged her.

"Shh not funny." I chuckled.

"Well is hope so I really like your mom you see so if you could put in a few good words for me that would be cool." Brady smiled.

"Cute." Thats thats zach. Why is Zach here. What is he doing here. "Not as cute as us though."

"What are you doing here." I asked turning around and looking at him.

"Just checking out the new guy who I haven't met is he good for our kids is he good for you." Zach asked walking up to me.


"I'm on it." She sighed walking to her house and coming back with Jack and Jonah.

"Leave now." Jonah growled towering over Zach.

"I still-."

"Doesn't matter what you still do you're gonna leave because nobody invited you got it so go." Jonah growled pushing Zach through my back door.

"Everything okay." Brady asked and I heard Zach groan.

"I hope." I sighed while walking inside. "Jonah."

"He called you a whore apologize she's done nothing wrong but move from your selfish ass-."

"Jonah I can't deal with this just get him out." I sighed while walking back outside.

"Mom Brady told me he's gonna teach me how to play football." Chase smiled and I raised my eyebrows.

"I said if she was okay with it." Brady whispered and I walked over to them and sat down.

"It's okay just don't break anything please I kinda like them." I chuckled and Brady nodded.

"You got it don't break anything little guy." Brady smiled and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Wait if he breaks anything I can fix it like if it's his leg or something."

"Oh yeah." I smiled looking up at him.

Gabbie's pov

"Jack look she's happy what's it gonna take for Zach to leave her alone." I asked while looking up at Jack.

"I-I don't know I lost my best friend I don't even recognize Zach anymore seeing him here today the old Zach wouldn't do that if he knew she was happy he just different." Jack sighed while hugging me. Zach's huff all of us and one day it's gonna hit all of us really hard. We won't make it. Right now we can turn our backs but he's our best friend or used to be now he's unrecognizable. He's angry all the time he's lost the right to see the kids at all unless someone's there because of his anger problems. But there's always Jack and Jonah or one of the other guys because if he gets out of hand he's gonna hurt someone and he wouldn't forgive himself if it was Em or his kids.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now