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"Hey princess." Zach smiled picking up lyric. "Where's her bottle."

"The kitchen it's still warming." I replied while pulling the covers over me.

"Alright." He sighed walking out the bedroom door. "Test this."

"Really." I asked and he nodded.

"I can't tell if it's to hot or not." He sighed and sat up and tested the milk.

"It's fine." I yawned laying back down handing him the bottle. "Are you not tired."

"Exhausted babe." He chuckled sitting down beside me. "Get some sleep okay."

"Okay." I mumbled. Zach put his arm around me and played with my hair. "I love you Zach."

"I love you to Em." He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Babe wake up." Zach whispered running his fingers through my hair.

"Give me a few minutes." I mumbled and he laughed.

"Come on babe my mom made breakfast for us." He chuckled kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I sighed sitting up and looking at Zach.

"Good morning." He smiled pecking my lips.

"Morning." I smiled pecking his lips. "What did she make."

"Waffles and bacon." He chuckled pulling me off the bed.

"Good." I giggled following him to the kitchen. "Smells Good Myta."

"Well thank you honey." Myta smiled handing me a plate.

"Where's my baby." I asked looking around the living room.

"Well Gabbie took Lyric and Lavender on a walk and she wants to take you and Lyric to the beach later you know girl time." Myta smiled and I nodded.

"How is wedding planning going." Gabbie asked while we walked down the beach.

"Well it's stressful I don't know what I want exactly it's all so confusing and part of me feels like Zach only proposed because I was pregnant like would he still proposed if I wasn't pregnant the world may never know." I sighed and Gabbie laughed. "Why is that so funny."

"Girl that boy is head over heels in love with you I wish jack would have proposed and Zach went all the way back to Texas for you he literally risked his life oh yeah he told us how you wanted to kill him." She laughed and I nodded.

"Well can you blame me he was my first love and he left we had plans we were gonna go to prom together and graduate together I get it he had to live his life but still it felt like he forgot about me he doesn't know the shit my family put me through and it's sad that I can't tell him because I'm scared to bring it up and I don't want him mad or something." I sighed while looking down at Lyric.

"What happened back home." She asked and I shook my head.

"It's a touchy subject but they would scream at me because I wouldn't forgive Zach he tried before to get me back but I wasn't having it and then one day they left for vacation and never came back so I did what any normal person would do I stayed because I didn't have anywhere to go and got a job when Zach came I was packing to move out of state and live with my aunt who was sweet but she had a lot of cats so weird how one person can mess up your life so bad but then fix it like nothing ever happened." I sighed glancing at Gabbie.

"That must've sucked did you ever get lonely." She asked and I shrugged.

"Not really I had a friend over most of the time." I chuckled while playing with engagement ring.

Authors note: this was a bad post but I've had writers block on this story and another. But go read my other stories if you haven't already.❤️❤️

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