Should've known you was trouble

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"So, where are we going?" Midoriya questioned the blond with a slight smile on his lips. He was excited to spend time with his childhood friend.

"Shut up! What? Don't think I can pick pick out a good place fore our date?" Bakugou suddenly yelled.

"It was only a question. If you're just going to spend the day day yelling at me, I don't want to hang out with you," Midoriya pouted, crossing his arms.

"We're goin' watch that stupid All Might movie you wanted to see," Bakugou grumbled, "And stop calling this a hangout! It's a date! Date!" The blond stressed out.

"If this is a date, shouldn't you be more nice to me? Going on a date with me, means you like me right?" Midoriya shot back.

"Cheeky brat," Bakugou muttered under his breath. The older teen watched as his childhood friend walked next to him, humming an unknown song with a smile on his face. Sighing, Bakugou took a hold of Midoriya's hand and quickly looked away with a light blush on his face. "Sorry, you look nice today."

"Thanks," The green haired teen spoke, ducking his head down with his face feeling hot.

"Yeah well, can't have my date think he looks bad," Bakugou shrugged feeling bashful.

"Well you look nice too," Midoriya glanced at the blond's reaction. Which was Bakugou's face turning bright cherry red.

"Thanks nerd," Bakugou whispered. Midoriya let out giggle and swung their hands together as they entered the movie theater.

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