I would go through all this pain

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Todoroki glanced in Midoriya's direction. Lately, the green haired teen has been more jump than usual. At first, he thought it was because of the shorter teen's anxiety was getting to him. Then Todoroki realized that Midoriya only started to act jumpy when Bakugou was around.

The duo haired teen could've sworn that the two were dating. So why was Midoriya acting like the blond could explode violently anytime? Midoriya was acting like his Mother whenever his Father was around.

At the thought, Todoroki's eyes widen slightly as he watched Midoriya flinch from Bakugou's stare. Could it be...? But would Bakugou do that to someone he's suppose to care about?

Todoroki wouldn't put it behind the blond.

Deciding to take the blunter route, Todoroki waited until Midoriya was alone to ask the question. His chance came later that day when everyone started getting ready for bed. Bakugou always slept early.

"Midoriya can I ask you something?" Todoroki spoke out becfore the green haired teen could leave to go to the elevator.

"Um, sure Todoroki-kun! What do you need?" Midoriya smiled brightly.

"Is Bakugou abusing you?" The taller teen questioned with a poker face. After a few beats of stunned silence, Todoroki decided to continue, "You two are dating right? What you and Bakugou have isn't he-"

"Your wrong. Don't talk about things you don't understand," Midoriya said, his face losing all its expression.

"I'm just worried about you Midoriya. We're friends, I just want to make sure your okay."

"Well, no one asked you to worry. Leave me alone," Midoriya spoke with a dark tone.

Todoroki watched as Midoriya left and went back to his room. Should he tell his suspensions to someone? Would anyone believe him?

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