Gave you all I had

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Midoriya woke from his sleep with a smile on his face. The teen's date went better than expected. Bakugou was nice throughout the movie and even the lunch that they ate together. The green haired teen sighed in comfort and wished that the date had never ended. He has never seen Bakugou so gentle before.

Another few minutes had passed before Midoriya decided it was time to get up and get ready for his Sunday. The day should go smoothly. Take a shower, eat, study, maybe hangout with he others and watch a show of some kind.

The teenagers face grew hot and red at the thought of seeing his childhood friend again. Despite them going on a date yesterday, Midoriya wasn't sure if that met they were in a relationship. Bakugou never asked.

Shaking the thought out of his head, Midoriya grabbed some clothes and soap fro his morning shower. He stepped out of his room and was immediately greeted with the sight of his date from yesterday. 

"Oh! H-hey Ka-chan!" Midoriya internally cursed himself for being so awkward.

"What do you want?" Bakugou glared at the other teen.

"Um, n-nothing really. Just um, did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I know I had a great time with Ka-chan!" Midoriya cheerfully said.

The blond let out a sigh and shifted his feet, "Do me a favor, and don't act like a love sick puppy around me, okay?" With that response, Midoriya watched as Bakugou walked away. A heavy feeling struck deep in his chest. 

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