I would go through all this pain

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"Are you sure you're okay? Your eyes are a little red," Todoroki questioned his green haired friend.

Midoriya smiled tiredly at the taller teen, "Yeah, just didn't sleep too good last night."

"Well, if you're sure then," Todoroki said, taking his eyes off of the other male.

"Just a bit stressed, nothing I can't handle," Midoriya awkwardly laughed.

"Hm, I'm here if you ever need to talk," Todoroki told his friend as the two neared the classroom door.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Midoriya replied with a light smile on his face. Todoroki just nodded his head and opened the classroom doors.

The two were greeted by the daily chaos of their class. And without batting an eye, Todorki dodged a flying Kaminari, handed Momo a notebook, and iced Mintea's hand before he could assault one of their classmates. Midoriya watched it with unblinking eyes.


"Hey Deku! Come here for a sec!" Ka-chan imploded at the green haired teen. Before Midoriya could reply, the blond pulled him out of the classroom and shoved him into the nearest empty room.

The moment that the door closed, Bakugou pushed Midoriya up against the wall and slammed their lips together. This is different from before, Midoriya briefly thought to himself as the blond held his arms up above his head.

Bakugou pressed his knee between Midoriya's legs as the smaller teen let out a small moan of pleasure. Midoriya tightly closed his eyes as pleasure slowly consumed him.

After a few minutes, Bakugou released the green haired boy with a smirk on his face. "You're mine, don't forget that," The blond spoke as he left the room.

Midoriya slowly slumped down to the ground and gasped as he attempted to catch his breath. That was unexpected, he thought feeling very flustered. 

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