I'd catch a grenade

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Saturday came fast as the date seemed to sneak up on Midoriya. He made sure that he woke up early to get ready for the long day ahead.

After showering and making sure to dress nice so Ka-chan wouldn't do anything rash, Midoriya headed to his boyfriend's room. Making sure to text before he came over, he quietly knocked on the door in order to not wake everyone else up.

The blond opened the door after a few minutes and glared at the other teen. "We're goin' right now? It's ass o'clock!" He complained.

"Um! I sent you a text?" Midoriya spoke in a panicked tone.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Bakugou fished out his phone from his pocket to check his messages. "Ah, okay. let me get ready then. Better come in, don't want people asking questions," Bakugou told the green haired teen.

"Oh, o-okay," Midoriya stumbled inside his boyfriend's room. Inside, everything was clean and organized. Slightly surprised by the face that the blond was a neat freak, Midoriya stayed by a corner trying not to touch anything.

"Oi! What the fuck do you think you're doin'? Actin' like some scared rat. Take a proper seat moron," Bakugou yelled at his boyfriend.

Startled, Midoriya sat down on the floor with his heart racing. the blond rolled his eyes at the other mumbling out an, 'Fuckin' idiot.' Watching as the teen began getting ready, Midoriya realized he couldn't get his heart to calm down. He wondered why it wasn't a good feeling.

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