No, you won't do the same

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Midoriya waited at the crosswalk, waiting for the sign to turn green. In his hands were grocery's for the week. It was his turn to cook dinner after all. Glancing at his watch briefly, he realized that his husband would be late tonight.

Once the light turned green, Midoriya began walking, humming an unknown song. The now adult froze at his tracks when he heard a very familiar voice call out his name.


Turning around, Midoriya's heart jumped in his heart, "B-Bakugou?"

"Heh, it feels weird to hear you call me that," The blond awkwardly scratched his neck.

"Well, you stopped calling me Midoriya by the time we were four so," The green haired male smiled out of anxiety.

"Yeah," Bakugou's aura changed into sadness, "I'm sorry, so sorry about how I treated you in high school. I was such a jackass, a fuckin' piece of shit. Some might even say that I'm still one," Bakugou replied.

"I wouldn't know," Midoriya spoke quietly. The thin plastic of the bags began to cut at his hands.

"I, um, would you like to catch up? I understand if that's the last thing you want to do." Bakugou hastily offered.

Midoriya shook his head softly, "My husband wouldn't like that very much."

"Oh, who did you get married to?" The blond questioned.

"I don't think it'll be a good idea to tell you," Midoriya bit his lip, "Sorry, I have to go now."

With that bittersweet departure, Bakugou watched as Izuku walked away. Walked away from the past, the pain. Away from him.

It hurt.

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