Black Black, Black And Blue

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"Hey Todoroki," Midoriya smiled kindly at the other teen as he sat down with his lunch.

"Are you okay?" Todoroki replied.

"Haha, what do you mean? I'm fine," Midoriya laughed nervously.

"Your eyes are red," Todoroki pointed out with a blank expression.

"Ah, yeah. Had something in my eyes. It's fine though! I got it out," Midoriya said in a rush of words.

Todoroki gave Midoriya a long look, "If you say so," He said before turning back to his lunch.

Midoriya smiled and sneaked a look to where Ka-chan was. The blond looked irritated. Ice ran through the green haired teen's veins. A bad feeling filled the teen's lungs.

It was suffocating.

After school ended, Midoriya canceled his plans with his friends. The teen wanted to find Ka-chan and clear the air. He didn't like how things had ended.

MIdoriya found the blond on the kitchen, washing dishes. Taking a deep breath, the green haired teen let out a greeting, "Hey Ka-chan!"

Bakugou gave Midoriya a dirty look, "What the fuck do you want?"

"Um! S-sorry for what happened e-earlier. I, uh, didn't know how you felt. So, um, yeah," Midoriya stuttered.

"No shit. Your not going to stop hangin' out with half n' half though, are ya?" Bakugou glared at the teen.

"W-we're friends Ka-chan! I just can't leave him!" Midoriya shouted.

Angry, Bakugou walked up to the green haired teen and harshly tugged on his hair, "Stop fucking talking to him!" He yelled, shoving Midoriya to the floor.

"Ka-chan!" Midoriya gasped out in pain.

The blond started to repeatedly kick at the other teen's torso. "Stop. Hangin'. Out. With. That. Fucker."

After a few minutes of this, Bakugou stopped his attack and took a deep breath, "Don't talk to me until you do. Finish the dishes you worthless fuck!" 

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