Mad Woman, Bad Woman

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"Hey Deku!" A female voice called out cheerfully.

Midoriya couldn't help but flinch at the nickname. He turned around and spotted Uraraka and Todoroki. His heart leaped into his throat as he locked eyes with the latter teen.

"Whatcha doing here Deku?" Uraraka asked with a happy smile on her face. She tried to lean forwards to get a look at what was in the green haired teen;s shopping basket.

"Ah! N-nothing much! Just running errands for my mom," Midoriya tried to wave off his friends. Unfortunately for him, Todoroki had spotted the basket that was filled with bandages and bruise cream.

"Hm, can we help?" Uraraka asked, the smile never leaving her face.

"N-no thank you! I'm almost done anyways," Midoriya brushed his friends off.

"Well okay then, we'll see you at school then! Bye Deku!"

Thinking he was safe, Midoriya turned back to the burn creams. "What happened? A voice questioned.

Midoriya jumped and locked eyes with Todoroki, "N-nothing! It's better to be prepared right? Better safe than sorry!"

"I thought you were running errands for your Mother?" Todoroki questioned raising his eyebrows.

"Um, well, I, uh," Midoriya awkwardly laughed and bit his lip. "Please don't tell anyone."

Todoroki stared at the shorter teen before replying, "No promises."

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