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POV: Jisung


When Hyunjin told me I needed to meet someone, I didn't want to. But now I do. Why? They picked a horror.. of course of all movies. We just had to be lucky enough that there were just three seats for all of us. Great.. I got my own popcorn and they will share one.

We walked into the screen room (idk what it's called), and we looked for our seats. OMG, THERE IS A LIVING UWU SITTING NEXT TO ME. Oh no, my awkward self is here.. I wanna talk to him but I don't know what to say. I look over at Minho and Hyunjin and they are making out? More like killing each other with their faces. 

I let out a heavy sigh. Suddenly the boy next to me said something, "Being a third wheel sucks,". "I know right.. literally that's all they do.", the boy chuckled."What's your name?" we asked in unison, we both cracked into a fit of laughter. "Well, my name is Jeongin", "Jisung". We said to each other as we shook each other's hand. We talked a little a bit then the movie started.

POV: Minho

Before the movie started Hyunjin pointed at Jisung, making me look his way. He was smiling so bright talking to this really cute kid. It made me


That someone else was making him smile like that. I wish I could make him smile like that. I was so bothered, that I couldn't stop glancing over at them, smiling, giggling, and I could hear some of the stuff they were whispering. I was so annoyed, I let out a scoffed without knowing. Hyunjin looked over at me worried, "Are you ok?". I just nodded as a response. Hyunjin asked again, "Are you sure?".

I nodded before speaking, "Yeah just because of the movie I did that". Hyunjin nodded after getting his answer looking back at the screen. 


After an hour of torture, watching them flirt. The movie was finally over. I could get Jisung away from him. Jisung turned around to me and Hyunjin, "Can I go with Jeongin to a cafe?". I chuckled looking down, getting annoyed again. Hyunjin then answered "Why are you asking me? I'm not your mom". Jisung blushed, probably of embarrassment. I hope..


I still have no sleep yay
I just now wrote this so here is raw content that has not been proof read. I probably have really bad spelling cause I'm tired and not focused.


★Something in the stars (Minsung)★Where stories live. Discover now