Jeongin or Minho

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Pov: Jisung

One my way home I was thinking to myself about... Jeongin... Aww, I love him. He is so adorable. But as I was thinking of that baby fox, something creeped into my mind. Or someone... of course you already know who it is, Minho.

    No matter how much I try not to like him I do. When I think of him, I think of a Jeongin or Minho. Ughh, why does life have to be so hard. Minho is so handsome and dreamy, but Jeongin is so precious and cute. How do I choose- owww,,,, I just rand into a light post. I'm so stupid.

    Great, now everybody is looking at me. Well, I guess it's normal. I am gay after all. I don't really look gay, I don't try to. What even am I thinking, this thought is so retarded. Or as when my little brother would say, retarted. I miss him, he is still in Malaysa. Idek why I think of the most random things.

      I finally get home, that took like five years. I walk inside and see Hyunjin and Minho on my couch- wait what? "Why are you guys here" I ask them truly confushed. "We wanted to know how your date went" Hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows, a blush crept on my cheeks. At the corner of my eye I saw Minho slightly roll his eyes. Why did he roll his eyes? There was probably something in his eye.

     "W-well, we talked about really stupid stuff", I said while looking down, and fidgeting with my fingers. I slowly look up at Hyunjin smirking. I hate him. "What kind of stupid stuff? Did he say that he likes you?", he fired questions at me. "W-we talked about how-", "Did you guys kiss?!?!" he interepted me. My eyes widened at his question, "no no no, we didn't". I heard a soft sigh across the room.


♡Bai bai♡

   sksksk this is for nct soft stans

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