
110 14 4

Pov: Jeongin

Who would have known? I met a new friend his name is Jisung, he is soooo funny. He's kinda cute.. but you didn't hear that from me. This one guy next to us kept glaring at us and scoffing. I hope i'm not doing anything wrong.

      Now me and Jisung are heading to the cafe near the cinema, I am so excited. I don't have a lot friends that I hang out with after school. Maybe me and Jisung can hang out more. Oh wait, I can see the cafe around the corner.

      We walk in and I can hear the bell chime. Oh I can't even imagine how many times I heard that bell. I told Jisung to pick a table 'cause he is my guest. He picks a table in the corner next to the window where we can see all of the stars. They look really pretty tonight.

      The waiter comes to our table, "Hello, welcome to (insert name), what would you like on this beautiful night?". I let Jisung order first he simply said "cheesecake please" hehe cute... I ordered what I always do "May I have a Iced Americano", I looked at his name tag "Eunwoo". "Eunwoo" I added to my sentence. He smiled kindly at me and said "Of course! Coming right up!".

    We talked about stupid things such as, "why do our eyes not hurt when we look at a picture of a sun?" and other stuff like that. Yeah, stupid right. But for real have you ever wondered why our eyes don't hurt. Our conversation by Eunwoo coming over and placing our food on the table. Me and Jisung said "Thank you" in unison and all of us started cracking up.

      Me and Jisung happily enjoyed our food by talking about more stupid stuff and people we know. I didn't know but he is friends with Pwark Jisung, which is my bestfriend Zhong Chenle's boyfriend. Oh speaking of Chensung, they are so cute I wish I could have someone like Chenle has Jisung. They whole rest of the time we spent at the cafe was talking about how cute the dreamies are and their relationships.

This is literally trash. But I hope my 1 viewer enjoys this. Thanks for reading this story that wasted your precious time.

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