Chapter 8

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When Kurt walked into the choir room, he was shocked to see the little girl he had met in the park.

She squealed upon seeing him, running over to hug him. "I want you to meet Papa!"

There was a chuckle. "Trace, what–"

And Kurt knew. He knew why she looked familiar. He couldn't believe he didn't know the minute he saw her curls.

Blaine had stopped, looking at Kurt. As the color drained out of his face, Kurt could tell he was thinking about how he had found Tracy alone in the park. Wondering what she had told him.

But instead of saying anything he knelt down to Tracy's level, smiling. "Your Papa and I know each other, actually. We work together here."

She looked excited. "You do? You like music too?"

"I love music," he replied.

She frowned. "Daddy didn't. He got mad that Papa likes it so much."

This time Blaine's chuckle was weak. "Tracy, why don't you go help Will with the music?"

"Okay!" She ran back to Will's office, leaving them alone.

"She's adorable," Kurt said fondly. "She looks just like you."

Blaine's voice was strained. "She has my curls. I suppose you know an odd amount about my personal life, sorry about that."

He shrugged. "Don't be. I mean, you've probably learned enough about me in my time here."

"How much did she tell you?"

Kurt could tell he needed an honest answer. "When I met her she said you were looking at her father's picture, which she didn't like because he had left. And she had left because you were sad, which she also didn't like. She asked me if I liked Katy Perry, and said she wanted me to meet you. Oh, she also told me she liked my sketch."

Blaine nodded, looking relieved. "She doesn't really know what's appropriate to tell other people or not."

Kurt shrugged. "Hey, you can talk to me if you need to. It's kind of this club's style, knowing too much about each other and helping each other."

He half-hoped Blaine would take it as an invitation to tell him more, as he looked so relieved that Kurt knew there had to be something else going on, but Tracy called for him before they could say anything else.

Kurt looked after Blaine as he left, Tracy's question ringing in his head.

"–did Papa give himself an owwie again?"

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