Chapter 15

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"How's your day been?"

Max's arms were crossed. "Fine."

"How was school?"


His father sighed. "Why are you so upset?"

"You didn't tell me you were mean in high school," he muttered.


"You called Mr. Hummel names! I asked him if he was gay today, and he asked why I thought people called him Lady Hummel. And I realized that it was really mean, and I asked why you called him that, and if you knew it was mean. He didn't wanna answer but he said you do know and that you're the person who started calling him that. And I realized, I knew why you two didn't get along, it's because you were a bully!"

Dave paused. "I was the person who started calling him that. And you're right, I was horrible to him."

"When the class laughed at me for not knowing what trans was, I told them I did know things, I told Mr. Hummel I knew what really happened between you two, and he freaked out and left! He looked like he was going to be sick!"

But that, that was too much. Dave burst out laughing. "Oh, Max. You make me so proud sometimes."

Max got up, furious. "I don't want to make you proud! You hurt him!"

"I did not do anything that time. It's not my fault the fag is a crybaby."


Dave stood up. "Excuse me? I know you did not just yell at me right now."

"What did you do to him, Dad?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because he's nice and I think he's really pretty!" Max shouted.

He grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him closer. "Oh, yeah? Then you'll be real jealous when you hear what I did. He was a skinny little twerp, I was like I am now. No one was around, so I pinned him down and shoved my cock up that delicious ass of his. He was screaming, and crying, but he couldn't stop me. I regret a lot of things I did in high school, but that? I'm waiting for my moment to do that again."

He shoved Max backwards, making him trip and hit his head on the coffee table.

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