Chapter 32

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Kurt went in to work early, and wasn't able to take a break for lunch, swamped with everything he'd left behind to go to Ohio.

Blaine decided to take him lunch, bringing Tracy with him, of course.

They walked, but Blaine had completely forgotten that the paparazzi knew what Tracy looked like.

"Papa!" He looked down, seeing Tracy tugging at his sleeve. Her eyes were wide. "The people with cameras are here."

"W–" Blaine looked behind them, immediately met by a bright flash.

He bent down, and Tracy reached up, letting him pick her up.

But he wasn't as used to running as Kurt was. They caught up with them, all asking questions at once, bright flashes coming from all directions.

Tracy buried her face in his chest, and he looked around, frantically looking for an escape. But they were surrounded.

He could see Kurt's building, and it was so close. They were almost there, but now he was blocked by what had to be the most annoying people in the world. Couldn't they take pictures from a few feet away? Did they have to swarm him?

"HEY!" a voice shouted.

The paparazzi went silent, parting like the Red Sea as the exact person Blaine needed to see appeared.

"You know you're hired to take photos from a distance, right? You aren't supposed to trap and harass people. This is going to be the second complaint I've filed with your superiors, and you'll be lucky if I don't press charges for harassment."

He glared around at them.

And he said the words that would never be forgotten by anyone there, nor the world.

"Now stay away from my family."

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