Chapter 26

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Blaine was in awe of how much more foreboding the house was when it was all packed up. It was empty, but the bad memories were stronger than ever.

He didn't take everything. He just took a suitcase and carry-on, as did Tracy.

She was bouncing with excitement during the flight there. It was her first time on an airplane, and her first time out of state.

Kurt had sent plane tickets, with a note of 'Visit me?' Of course, Blaine jumped on the opportunity.

When the plane landed, Tracy couldn't wait to get up and run to see Kurt. He had to keep a tight hold on her hand so she didn't get lost.

He was so glad she liked Kurt. Of course, it was hard not to like him, but she was so enthusiastic about seeing him.

As they were heading to baggage claim, Tracy managed to pull her hand away, running. "W– Tracy!" he called.

But he watched as she ran and jumped up into Kurt's arms. He laughed, hugging her. And Blaine smiled, heading over.

Kurt set Tracy down, hugging him as well. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Blaine said.

They broke apart, and they paused, but then Kurt leaned close to him. He stopped for a split second, looking up into Blaine's eyes for permission, and then kissed him.

It was so gentle, and sweet. Blaine hadn't been kissed in years, and he hadn't had a loving kiss in even longer.

"I'm falling in love with you too," Kurt told him.


Blaine almost cried when he saw the room Kurt had set up for Tracy. It was practically identical to her room at home, down to brand of the dresser. The only difference was that the bulletin board was empty, waiting for her to put things of her own up on it.

"I did make up a bedroom for you," Kurt told him, "if you'd like it."

At first he wondered what he meant, but then he realized Kurt was inviting him to sleep with him in the master bedroom. He blushed. "Thank you. I, ah, I think I'll take you up on that, at least for tonight."

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