Chapter 16

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Kurt was with Blaine and William in the choir room late after school, planning out their lesson for the next day, when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," William called.

The door opened. "M-Mr. Hummel?" a quiet voice asked.

"Wh–" Kurt had turned, eyes going wide. "Max! Oh my god, what did he do to you?" he asked frantically, running over.

Tears streamed down his bruised face. "I was mad at him and he told me what he did and I got madder and he hit me."

"I– Oh, honey." Kurt gently hugged him. "We're gonna call the police, m'kay? He's gonna get arrested. Then he won't be able to hurt anyone."

Max nodded, sobbing into his shoulder.

"CPS?" William mouthed, taking out his phone. Kurt nodded, and he dialed the number.

Tears fell from Blaine's eyes as well as he looked at them. Kurt had been put through hell and back by Max's father, yet there he was, hugging him and telling him it'd be alright. Not because he wanted revenge, but because he was a good person.

Kurt Hummel, I think I fall in love with you a bit more each day, he thought to himself.

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