The Uninvited Guests

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"Son, I demand an explanation for what is going on here," Toriel screamed. Asriel pulled me close. "Mother, we got married. This is our afterparty," Asriel explained. Immediately, Asgore and Toriel disapproved. Toriel stomped over to me, an angry face planted on her. "You have gotten married to my son, you brat," she asked me in anger.

 In fear, I nodded. This just made her even angrier. With no hesitation, she slapped me right across the face. I landed on the floor in pain. Everyone gasped and Asriel helped me up. I felt the warmth of blood and the slap swelled my face a little. Asriel pointed towards Toriel. "How dare you slap my wife," he screamed. Toriel rolled her eyes. "Asriel, be reasonable. We can find you a woman that a prince like you deserves," Toriel explained.

Asriel shook his head. "Never! I will never find a woman like Chara! If you disapprove, then leave," Asriel screamed. Toriel and Asgore gasped but walked away from the party. Asriel rubbed the swelling on my face and I flinched in pain. Who knew a slap hurt that much? "Frisk, get her something to heal that swelling please," Asriel ordered kindly. Frisk nodded and helped me walk back inside the house.

While she sat me down in the bathroom, she dug through the cabinets, trying to find something that could help the wound. She settled on a towel covered with cold water. It didn't help too much but it helped. Frisk was crying. "What has happened to Mom? I never thought she would be so cruel," Frisk sobbed. I started sobbing too. We hugged each other. After a while, the swelling disappeared.

I decided that the afterparty should end and everyone should go home. No one gave me a hard time. In fact, they didn't hesitate to leave. I think they were still shaken from what happened with me and Toriel. Then again, I was still deeply happy. Me and Asriel were finally married and I couldn't be happier.


I sat on my bed in anger. Toriel had been totally cold ever since Asriel admitted he loved Chara. And I wasn't having it. We needed to have a talk. I looked at my alarm clock. 9:53. Everyone was probably asleep by now. It was the perfect time to go. I grabbed my bag, slipped my boots on and walked down the stairs. However, one of them creaked. I walked faster. 

I quickly opened the door and stepped outside. I looked around me, making sure nobody was watching me. I ran across the plaza and through Ebott Park until I reached Toriel's house. I saw her reading through the window. I knocked hard. She opened the door. She hugged me and invited me inside. She made me tea and started asking a lot of questions.

"How is Sans? Are you two still dating," she asked me. I nodded and looked at her. "Toriel, can we talk," I asked. She nodded happily. I was even more upset now. She treated Chara like she was a mistake but treated me like I was her real daughter. "Toriel, why do you hate Chara so much," I asked. She sighed in disgust. "Oh, that brat. She is nothing to me anymore. She thinks she can do whatever she wants. Especially with my son," she told me angrily.

I sighed and got up. I walked out the door without saying goodbye. I was done. I couldn't convince Toriel about Chara. I started walking back home. On the way, I stopped at the statue in Ebott Park. It was me and all of the monsters. I looked at the ground. "I don't feel like an ambassador. I've failed too many times," I told myself. I looked forward and continued walking.

A Satisfied Ending (Sequel to More Than Best Friends)Where stories live. Discover now