Feeling Sick

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I looked at Asriel and hugged him tightly. I cried endlessly and I felt him patting my back. Frisk hugged me and started saying nice things to me. Sans joined her. "Chara, were you dreaming," Sans asked. I nodded but I couldn't bring myself to tell him what I had dreamed about. I was afraid he wouldn't trust me anymore.

"Yes, but I'm fine now. It's morning anyway. We should go down to the restaurant and get breakfast," I said and I quickly grabbed clothes from my suitcase. I dashed in the bathroom and locked the door. I changed but didn't leave the bathroom. I kept staring at myself in the mirror. Every now and then, the image would change. I was smiling and my face had tiny blood droplets. I heard evil giggling in my head.

I walked out of the bathroom. Everyone had changed and were ready to go. Without waiting, I opened the door and everyone walked out. I followed them. Asriel walked slowly so he could stay with me. Sans and Frisk weren't too far in front of us. When we reached the restaurant, I barely talked to anyone at all. We all ordered our food and I stayed silent afterward. Eventually, I decided to forget about it. My past shouldn't ruin my vacation.

When our food arrived, I talked with everyone and their smiles returned to their faces. The eggs were perfect and moisture. I even got to order an early morning chocolate bar. All of the food was good and when we returned to the room, I was full of food and had forgotten all about the changed images and my dream.

"You're happier this morning. That's good," Frisk told me. I nodded with a smile. "I feel happier. Nothing can ruin my time with three of my favorite people," I said. Everyone grinned. Suddenly, I felt an instant pain in my stomach. It felt like something had jabbed my stomach. It caught me by surprise. Immediately, I fell on my knees.

Asriel fell to the floor to help me but there wasn't much he could do. The pain seemed unstoppable. I felt pain on the bottom of my stomach and I felt like throwing up. I was even craving pickles for some strange reason. It's even stranger, considering that I hated pickles. Not long after, the pain stopped and I breathed calmly again. Asriel sighed in relief at my calm breaths. "I thought you had food poisoning, Chara," he said.

I shook my head with a smile but it was weak. Frisk checked us out and we drove back home. Asriel helped me unload the suitcases and I sat down on the couch. I sat up on the pillows and closed my eyes. I had another dream, but it wasn't bad. It was confusing. My soul and Asriel's soul collided, creating a light pink soul. This happened a few times until I saw a person. A tiny little baby. A baby girl. She was crying, but when I approached, she smiled brightly and laughed. She had Asriel's smile. 

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