Pregnant Together

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When I woke up, Asriel told me that Frisk started feeling pain like I did. I was still confused about my dream, but I was still concerned. Frisk told me it was probably because she ate too much food, but that wasn't it. She also told me she had a dream identical to mine. Her soul and Sans' colliding, revealing a baby girl.

I thought for a moment. But then, I knew what was going on. "Frisk, we need to put that pregnancy test to use," I screamed, pulling her into the bathroom. She looked at me with concern. "Chara, what do you mean," Frisk asked me. I immediately pulled out the tests and handed her one. "Three bars means yes," I told her.

She looked at it for a moment and then started crying. "You don't think this is what the aches mean, right," she asked in tears. I shrugged. She walked out of the bathroom. I felt bad for her. Everything was happening so fast. I looked at the test. I might as well use it. I did as I to and waited for the results. It buffered for a while. Suddenly, three bars appeared on the screen. "FRISK," I screamed in tears. She ran in. "What is it?! Are you okay," she asked. I showed her the bars. She started crying too. "Me too," she mumbled. We started hugging each other.

Suddenly, Sans and Asriel ran in. "What are you to crying about," Sans asked. Frisk stared at me and I handed her my test. She handed it to Asriel. Then she handed hers to Sans. They both cried. "Frisk, you bonehead," he said happily. I laughed. "Look who's talking," I replied. We all laughed. Asriel hugged me. "We should call Alphys," he told me. I agreed. Frisk grabbed her phone and dialed the number. I heard a voice on the other line.

After a few minutes, Frisk hung up. "She said she'll help out with the delivery and stuff like that," she said. I smiled. Sans and Frisk walked out to discuss names for their baby and I stayed in the room with Asriel. "We should come up with names too," Asriel told me. I thought it was too early, but I helped anyway. We wrote name ideas on a piece of paper. We eventually gave up and were hungry. "Want to go get Grillby's," I asked Asriel. He agreed.

We grabbed our coats and walked outside. The snow was cold and we walked down the street. We passed down a street filled with monsters. I rubbed my stomach. I never thought this would happen to me, but here I was. Married to Asriel, and soon-to-be a mother.

A Satisfied Ending (Sequel to More Than Best Friends)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant