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Corey's pov

me: Monet wake up, it's 4:00am!

Monet: holy shit!! 

me: what's wrong?

Monet: i forgot that i need to go and get more medicine and i need a lot today! OMG i need to go!!

me: wow, wow, wow calm down!

Monet: i can't cause if i don't get  this soon, i could die! you don't understand!

me: ok, ok when does it open?

Monet: it's open 24/7

me: get dressed and we'll go.


Capron: what do you want? its like 4:30 in the morning!

me: Monet needs to go to get more pills, so we are going to go now.

Capron: do you want me to come?

Monet: it's ok.

Capron: ok cool

time skip

me: okay so you got what you need?

Monet: yeah

the next day, (3:00am)

Monet's pov

me: COREY!

me: COREY!!

corey: yeeah?

me: would you mind helping me do my injections

corey: your what?

me: did i not mention it?

Corey: no

me: oh well every week i have to do my own chemo injections, and once a week i have to go to hospital to have a big chemo injection.

Corey: oh ok, what do i have to do?

me: here.

that morning


capron: yeah

me: so i forgot to tell you guys this, well i told Corey this morning but...

me: so every week i  have to give my self injections and once a week i have to go to hospital to get a big chemo injection sooo....

Capron: what really! it didn't say anything about all this on the form when we got you from the orphanage!

me: yeah i know cause i only found out a week ago!

me: just chill i know what to do!

Capron: but we are looking after you so it is OUR responsibility!

me: Capron just chill!

Capron: no cause we need to figure out everything you have to do and the orphanage said nothing! NOTHING!

Corey: Capron chill!!

Capron: Corey stay out of this!

me: Capron this what happened to  me, not you! so leave it!

Capron: OMG! are you serious!

me: hey! i'm the one who might die!

Corey: Monet, no.

i ran off to my room and started crying.

Adopted by the Funk BrosWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt