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time skip from last chapter.

it was time for Elsa to leave and we were both in tears as we were standing on my drive-way. Elsa was here for a week, and that week was one of the best weeks in my life, top 3, 100%.

Elsa: i'll see you again, dont worry

Me: well i guess since now i have your phone number, ill never leave you alone. ill be that extra clingy friend

Elsa: damn, it'll be hard to get rid of you now

Me: you really thought it would be that easy?

the two blondes sat on the floor crying, they sat there for 10 mins debating who would miss who more. when they cleaned themselves up and Elsa got packed, her parents came to pick her up, she said one thing to me:

Elsa: now remember, dont do anything stupid till i get back

i smiled as it was a Marvel quote and that was my favourite thing in the world. when i was in the hospital for the first time she brought her laptop and came as soon as soon as visiting hours started till they ended, we watched marvel movies on end, we watched every movie at least 5 times.

Me: how can i, your taking all the stupid with you

we both laughed as she pulled away from our hug. she went into her car and they drove away, Corey and Capron came over and hugged me as i waved back to Elsa. i waved until i couldn't see her anymore. we all walked back inside and sat down. now i was lonely again. i hated the lonlieness. i swear i'm always alone. no-one wants to be with me. every-one i every get close to leaves. no-one ever stays.

but soon enough all of this would be taken away from me


Adopted by the Funk BrosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin