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i got home and ran to my bathroom. i took off the beenie to see some hair missing. i fall down and start crying. this cant be happening. it has been 3 weeks and i knew it would happen eventually. but i didn't want it to. i see Corey run to me and hug me on the floor, then Capron comes in and it becomes one big group hug. we sat there for seems like ages. when we get up i asked them something.

Monet: hey guys could i shave my hair so it goes to use, not just wasted?

Capron: uh-uh yeah sure

Corey: when?

Monet: well i mean it's falling out now so soon i guess.

Capron: ok then

time skip

Capron: you sure you want to do this kiddo?

Monet: yeah 100% it'll change someone's life forever if they get a wig. i know it will for me

Corey: ok, what are we waiting for then?

we walk into the building and go to the front desk and sign in and everything and walk into another room where there are lots of chairs and mirrors. a lady sat me down and she asked if i was shaving it all off or just cutting it. i had long hair so i guess you could think i was cutting it. at this point when the lady grabbed to equipment she needed i started to get butterflies. you don't know how nervous you'll get until you're doing it. she asked me if i was sure about all this and i nodded. Capron and Corey were standing behind watching. i closed my eyes and she started. i could see the hair falling from my head and tried not to let this tear escape my eye. it did but i wiped it away as soon as it did. the hair came off easily as it was already falling out. she finished and i officially had no hair. i started to smile, the biggest smile in ages. since having the time of my life with Billy. we walked out of the building and everyone was staring at me. i didn't look at them. i knew it would happen eventually, why not let it happen out of choice instead.

we got home and Billy and Drew were home. i quickly slid on the beenie as i was scared to show them. i didn't want to get judged like i did in the parking lot 20min earlier. Billy ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and it was so nice. Drew then came up to me and instead of hugging me, he through me over his shoulder and flung me on the couch. i started laughing but then the beenie fell off and they saw. i ran to my room and locked the door behind me. i heard Corey asking me to open the door but i couldn't. not yet. 

you when something bad happens to you, but something so small it probably doesn't even matter in the long run. like if you forget your homework, or you mess up a test. well looking back at all those things, they seem so insignificant and i don't know why i would worry so much. i have cancer. i might die, how much worse can it get?

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