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Monet's pov

I heard Capron and Corey making noise in the morning. I turn on my side and see that its 5 in the morning. I had to wake up at 3 to take my pills but straight after I fell asleep. I just wanted to get back to sleep. but i woke up and went out to see what was happening and i saw capron chasing corey around with the tazer. i just stood back and waited for them to finish and i watched them for about 3 mins before they realised i was there.

Corey: Oh, Monet i didn't realise you were there

Monet:yeah ive been here for a while

Capron: how long?

Monet: about 4 mins

Corey: oh, haha!

Monet: anyways... what are you guys doing?

Corey: so we were going to get ready to go to the skate park but Capron started chasing me with that bloody tazer. i swear if he tazers me than i'm going to KILL you Capron!

i just started laughing my head off as he went off at Capron

Capron: hey wanna come?

Monet: yeah sure

Corey: hey, you havent  been to the skate park since you've been with us.

Monet: yeah, i guess i haven't

Monet: speaking of, what do i call you guys?

Corey: just call us your brothers.

Monet: sweet

at the skate park

so i have never ridden a skateboard and i am so nervous. i don't wanna stuff up and look like an idiot. i don't know if i want to either. i was watching Corey and he is unbelievable, i knew he was really good, but i didn't know he was this good. Capron was so good too. Corey encouraged me so much but i was so scared. it was like 6:30 in the morning so not a lot of people were here. there was only like 3 other people and they were all the other way on the other side so they weren't really watching us. 

Corey: just go up and down like this...

he rides up and down all the ramps and looks easy but...

Corey: come on do it with me

Monet: ok I'll try.

i did side by side with Corey, and i don't know why i was so scared, it was fine. i did it again but on my own and i did it fine again. if I'm anything, i'm not a quitter, it might take me a while but i will definitely do it. like when i found out i had cancer and i had to wake up at 3 am to take pills and do injections, yes i didn't want ot do it what i knew i had to, i knew if i wanted to get rid of it i had to do and i knew that i had to do as if i didn't want to look like a quitter and a failure i would have to do it. 

we had a good time and went back. it was like 7:30 am when we got back and i flopped on the couch and turned on the tv. but Capron dragged me by the arm and i fell off the couch and started screaming for Corey. Capron lifted me from the ground and flung me over his shoulder. he put me in his car and i see Corey already in the front seat. i moan and lay down on the back seat of his tesla. 

Capron: don't you dare fall asleep. also if you, make sure to put your seat belt on.

Monet: fine, also where are we going?

Corey: you'll just to wait.

Monet: why??

Corey: cause it's good.

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