the ugly surprise

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Monet: just tell me already!

Capron: no, it'll ruin the surprise

we turn into this huge house with a trampoline with all these plastic balls in under a balcony, so i guess this must be a mate's house.

Monet: is this one of your mate's houses?

Capron: not really a mate but more like a best friend, or someone who's always been by our sides. i think it's about time you met them.

Monet: i don't know if I'm scared or not.

Capron: don't be. they'll love you

Monet: whose they?

Corey: you'll have to wait. god you're impatient

Monet: my only flaw.

Capron: sure

Monet: ha ha very funny.

Corey: you're also so sarcastic.

Monet: hey i can't help it

Corey: see there it is again!

Capron: if this was a job, you would be very good at it Corey

Corey: why thankyou

we walked out of the car but i sat on the floor outside the car. the house was huge and i was not going in, if i hadn't met them now, why should i. i got adopted and sometimes that's embarrassing and if im not related to them then they'll ask who am i, and i always have to say, oh Capron and Corey ADOPTED me. sorry to everyone who is adopted but it's just the character. i'm not adopted but once again sorry. it can be really awkward sometimes and i hate it, i hate to be center of attention.

Capron: come on

Corey: it won't be bad

Monet: why haven't i met them already then?

Capron: cause they were on holiday. you don't know how excited they are to meet you!

Monet: i-i can't

Corey: why?

Monet: you don't know how hard it was for me to transition from being an orphan in this horrible orphanage to having a home. all doing this with cancer! i love it with you, don't get me wrong but i can't do it! it's so scary for me to meet so many new people and always be them, for me being 12 i can be shy and scared,  i-i can't I'm sorry. it's too much

after that i ran. i don't know where I just ran. i had to get some time to myself. i wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. i run down this huge hill and find this rock with a tree. i climb on the rock and lift myself onto a branch and climb until i'm at the top and i can sit easily. i sit there and cry. i see the car drive past and i run my hands through my hair with all the stress. i scream at what i see. chunks of hair between my fingers. i see Capron and Corey at the bottom of the tree. 

Capron: Monet would you please come down?

Corey: would you just tell us what's wrong?

i sit there bawling my eyes out, not wanting to come down. i don't want to face the reality of all this. i don't want to see what happens next. what'll i do? what if i die? what happens then? i don't want to find out. i see Capron standing on the rock so i climb a bit further down. he still can't reach me though, he goes around the back of the tree and finds a way to get to me. i let him. he sits across me and saw what's in my hands. he comes closer and hugs me. i cried into his chest. i didn't want to leave.

Adopted by the Funk BrosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora