what's next

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Corey: Monet?

Monet: yeah, what do ya want?

Corey: just seeing if you're ok.

Monet: you know you don't always have to 'check on me'!

Corey: hey!

Monet: what?!

Capron: woah guys chill!

Monet: no, ok, you guys don't need to make sure i'm ok all the time. i know what i'm doing, okay so chill and stop!

Corey: Monet! 

Monet: oh my god! what?!

Corey: don't walk away!

Monet: oh okay DAD!

Corey: hey were the reason you're here, so chill

Monet: thanks for reminding me that i am adopted, i was left by my biological family and that i am nothing!

i walk away and block out them arguing to each other. i go out to the garden and play with Nova. i start crying. she starts climbing on my lap and i ask her

what's next Nova?

what do i do now?

will i live, or die?

what will happen living here?

what's next?

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