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where did they go? i cant find them anywhere and cant find a trace of where they have gone. i jump out my window landing on the trampoline. it isnt that big of a jump and ive done it many times so i know i wont miss it or get hurt. i get off the trampoline and walk up to the gat and seeing nothing. i take out my phone and call Corey. he doesnt respond and i try again. then i try Capron. same result. since when to they not answer their phones?

Monet: ugh why aren't they answering their phones?

Someone: maybe because they have a big secret for you?

Monet: OH MY GOD

i run over to the person standing behind me and pull her into a bear hug. it was Elsa. she was my best friend from the orphanage and got adopted a year ago. she moved to Australia with her adopted family. 

Monet: w-what ar-re you d-doing here? 

Elsa: well i wanted to see you, why else?

Monet: well you live in Australia soo...

Elsa: i'm over here for a gymnastics competition and i thought i'd visit you. i went to the orphanage and asked about you and they said you had been adopted a month ago. i asked them who and they said Capron and Corey funk. i called them and told them i was your best friend and they agreed to pick me up and let me come and see you.

Monet: lets go inside, i cant believe your here

we walk down the hill and see Corey drive the corvette around the corner and i face-palm. how am i so stupid that i dont check around the WHOLE house.i walk over to him and he waves.

Monet: oh so now your talking to me?

Corey: i didn't see you before, besides i was getting your present ready

he gestures towards Elsa.

we walk inside and we go upstairs and chat.

Adopted by the Funk BrosWhere stories live. Discover now