Maybe | Silver

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Tiny edit: this was made in a hurry between 2 and 6 am so... I was tired and it doesn't make that much sense.

>> Silver, the rival from; Gold, Silver & Crystal, HeartGold & SoulSilver. >>

>> I'm currently playing SS and I have five Kanto badges! :D >>
}} nobody wants to hear about your miserable life and what pointless things you do, ck }}
>> I know shut up. >>

>> Oh and I kinda chose Cyndaquil for the story too as I chose it when I first played.. >>

>> Cyn is great. Fite me. >>

>> Also, Totodile(+) pretty much belongs to Silver.. >>

>> Ps. I literally spent hours on that drawing and I'm kinda proud of it but it's still trash and that makes me not so happy Dx >>

Silver x Reader


Silver is such a pain in the ass. Yeah. You heard me. You thought this was an 'x reader', you say? Pff, what the hell even is that? Wait. Hold on. You're telling me that.. He? And I? Are gonna...? No. Fucking. Way. You're joking, right? Geez. Ok. Fine. Have it your way. Let's start over.. He's still a piece of shit though.

>> Ok new start, and also we need a new fourth wall... I smashed it pretty hard. >>

>> *ahem* >>

I've been running into this guy for a while now. His name is Silver, and he's a huge piece of crap. He's lucky he's hot, or else I'd ruin his fucking face.


That and he probably would've ruined mine first.... :/

Anyway, when I first met him, he wasn't particularly nice, but I tried to be. Let's just say that it didn't pay off.

After that, he's always been running into me at the weirdest places. Once he even followed me into the Goldenrod tunnel! Before that he almost tore my shirt off too..

Yeah he doesn't like team rocket much, and the fact that I was wearing the uniform couldn't have been a very pleasant sight for him. ... Well, not that I didn't look good, because I did, but as I said..

He doesn't like team rocket very much.

Which still has me wondering why he was inside their HQ.


He's gotten.. A little nicer though... He doesn't shove me around anymore, and he can actually utter a whole sentence without insulting my strength by calling me weak, a wimp, or even both at the same time!

And he doesn't sound all angry or frown all the time anymore, which is a good thing. He's actually quite attractive now that I think about it...

But I shouldn't.. Because;



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