Oblivious | Onyx

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(A/n): ..I drew some dude I kinda liked the look of.. The first one was too young so have this digital artwork that I made with almost no effort put into it and therefore is trash-----

Also it's not that long really..

Oc, kinda..
< Yan!Onyx >< F!Reader >

(Reader's POV / 06:48 PM)

I walked down the road, on my way home from some extra studying at the school library. I didn't want to, but I had to realize I needed it.

It was already dark, but a warm night.

I felt a chill down my spine, but chose to ignore it.

After a while I got a feeling in my gut, telling me to run.

... So I did.

I couldn't control my body, my legs moved on their own. They ran until my eyes spotted a dark spot between two houses. I dashed into the hiding spot, and crouched until the feeling of fear had gone away.


But it didn't.

Although I did not feel safe yet, I peeked back onto the street. Nothing.

Then I felt another chill, but this one was caused by physical touch.

A cold hand had taken hold of my mine, and I whipped my head around to see who it was. It was Onyx, a quiet guy from school.

He was a year above me, so we'd never had any classes together, but I've seen him leaning against the wall of the school building, far from the entrance, a few times. Every time, he was either writing or drawing in a notebook, or listening to music and observing others.

"O-Onyx?" I smiled up at him, acting like I didn't just run for my life even though nothing was there.

"(Y/n).." he breathed out my name like it was the name of a goddess, one which should be spoken with care, though I shook it off.

"Um.. W-what are you doing here?"

It was as if he snapped out of hypnosis or something. He stuttered a bit, and cleared his throat, before telling me how the same had happened to him.

"Yeah.." I nodded, "It was really creepy..." He nodded back in agreement.

"Should we walk back home together..?" he offered in a soft voice. It was strangely soothing. A bit deep and a little raspy, but still smooth in a way.

I smiled. "Sure."

Through the whole walk, he did NOT let go of my hand. I didn't mind though, it was oddly comforting for someone I'd barely spoken to before.

(3rd person POV / 07:24 PM)

His golden eyes were locked onto her, as their hands were intertwined. Blood had been rushing through his cheeks ever since she turned around and smiled at him, just like the first time he ever saw her walk through the hall. The pocket knife he carried with him was hidden well enough in his hoodie pocket, and a grin was tugging at his lips as he thought about how he would get rid of his enemies with it.

The girl, oblivious to these dark thoughts of his, let go of his hand, allowing his expression to fall into a frown.

"This is where I live!" she chirped happily. "Will you be alright on your own now?"

He smiled at her caring nature, one of the many things he loved about her, and replied; "Yeah. I don't live that far away."

She smiled back, and waved, before entering her house.

This was the first time they had officially met, but he had been watching her for a long time...

(03:42 AM)

"Aw, c'mon Billy boy~.. We're not done yet! Ending it so soon is no fun, now is it."

The blonde tried to focus on his attacker, but failed as his vision clouded with tears while he feared for his life.

" . . . p - p l e a s e . . . " he begged, his throat dry and his voice cracking.

"Please? Please what? Please put you out of your misery? Oh well, I guess I should have a little mercy, for once.."

Onyx pulled out his pocket knife, and slowly approached his victim, whose bones were broken and hair dyed red in their own blood.

He bent down so he was on eye level with them, and put the cold blade up against their neck.

Grinning from ear to ear, he watched as the blue eyess in front of him were drained of the life they once held.


(next day)

"Hey (Y/n)? Have you seen Billy today?"

"Oh, uh.. No? Why?"

"Oh I was just wondering, because if anyone would know where he is it has to be you. You're the one with a gIANT crush on him!"

"Huh.. W-well I guess I've just had this studying on my mind for a bit.."

"Woah (Y/n), I didn't think you'd actually study!"

And with that, the two friends walked off and carried on with their playful chatter, oblivious to the golden pair of eyes that were watching them from the shadows.

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