Never | </3 | - - -

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This is pretty short.. Also this is just a male crush or whatever.. There's no picture so that you can imagine whoever / whatever you want to love you :3

(Male) x Reader

"Hey (Y/n), remember that time I almost hit you with a frying pan?"

The boy chuckled, though he got no response. The love of his life was quiet as ever.

He stood a bit awkwardly in silence, before he started talking again.

"Remember when we went to that burger place? Our waitress spilled your milkshake all over your fries, haha!"

The rain was pouring down where they were, and the young boy was happy he had remembered an umbrella.

He'd always meet them at a planned place, same time each week, surrounded by people, yes, but still alone with each other. There were no excuses that could keep the two of them apart.

He looked down at the ground, fiddling with the handle of his see-through umbrella.

"You know... I miss those times."


"You do too, right? I mean, it has to get kinda boring not having anyone else than me here.. well on your birthday your family should come to visit, but..."

He sighed, looking up a little.

"It's getting lonely up there, isn't it.."

Bending over, he put the flowers down beside the gray stone. It had been sculpted just like they had always wanted it.

The flowers were of their favorite kinds. Also some of his, just to give them something to remember him by.


"I'm starting to get lonely too..."

He sniffed a little, as tears started to fall. It was useless trying to wipe them away, and he knew it, but it didn't stop him from trying.

"I really miss you, (Y/n)."

The salty tears in his eyes blurred his vision, as he let them mix with the drops of rain while dropping his umbrella.

"It's just.. K-knowing you're never coming back is unbearable!"

He fell to his knees in front of their grave, bawling his eyes out, not caring if anyone passing could hear him.

"Y-you're gone... Forever!!"

He sat there on the muddy grass for what felt like hours while the warm summer rain soaked him, as if trying to embrace him in an attempt of comfort.

Afterwards, when he felt he didn't have more tears to cry, he mumbled with his now dry voice;

"I didn't even get to tell you how much I love you..."

Wow that sucked.
I'm so bad at sad stuff hhh-


Various X Reader [discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now