Confession | Tom

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(another copy... Same goes here.)

[ Tom's confession to you :) ]

Male × Fem!reader




{{ READERS P.O.V. }}



I ran towards my very best internet friend, Tom. We met on a random site, started chatting on there and after that it all went on it's own.

He was blushing like mad, though I had no idea why. Shit. He was so cute in person. On camera he always covered half of his face. Bet he was blushing!

I must've zoned out, because I heard Tom call my name. I looked at him and gave him a toothy grin, before hugging him half to death. Sorry, not sorry!

"C-can't-... Breeeaaathe....!" He wheezed out.

"O-oh. Sorry," I said, letting go, "I'm just so happy to finally see you in person!"

"Y-yeah.. M-me too..." He mumbled, rubbing his arm.

Tom was so shy in calls, but not when he didn't have to look at or talk to me directly. I came to a realization long ago, that he was a shy lil innocent cinnamon roll.

A really cute one.

While I was internally 'aw'ing at his behavior, we made our way out of the airport and inside my car. I put on a song that I knew we both liked, and heard Tom softly hum along to the tune.

I looked at him, smiling. He instantly looked away and blushed, going silent. Shaking my head with another smile and a chuckle, I started singing. After a while of me nudging him, he quietly mumbled some lyrics with me.

"C'mon, you can do better. I can't even hear you! Come on Tommy Boy!" I nudged him again, giggling. He blushed (again) and widened his eyes at his new nickname, which made me laugh.

"Don't be so shy.. It's just you and me now." I said, more gently than I normally talk. The last sentence might have sounded a bit more different than I meant it to be, but he nodded.

"A-are you sure you w-want me to sing..?" he asked me. He sounded.. Really insecure.

"Yes of course." I smiled, and gently laid my hand on top of his, causing a cherry red blush to spread across his cheeks. He nodded again, staring off into nowhere.

A few moments later, he sang as loud as any person would, but.. Way better. His voice was like an angel's. I got so lost in his voice that I almost stopped focusing on the driving.


I couldn't crash my car and possibly lose all my memories of Tom - my best friend - on the first day of meeting him in person! That'd just be sad...

The song ended, and I clapped. Of course just a little, while my knees were holding the steering wheel in place. I smiled and glanced at him. He was having an ultimate 'shy moment', as I like to call them. A d o r a b l e.

~•× Later same day • Evening ו~

At my apartment, we had finally put away all of Tom's stuff, made the guest room all comfy, and ordered a pizza. We were too lazy to make something ourselves, okay?

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