Pancakes | Ryan

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(this is a direct copy from my book on my old account _gone_bai_ just to get more chapters up, haha. Even the (a/n)s are unedited.. Enjoy.. Or not :/ )

[Ryan is the name of your boyfriend, (Y/n) means your name (as we all know), and this chapter contains some slight cussing (just a little..).]

Boyfriend × Fem!reader




{{ READERS P.O.V. }}

I was walking alone down the street on my way home from work. I had just bought a few things at the store, and was looking forward to spending the rest of the day with Ryan. Yes, Ryan. The asshole that always came to my workplace to hang with his friends (stare at me), and whenever I caught him looking, he didn't look away or anything, just.. Smiled at me, as if saying; 'I know you like what you see'.

Anyways, he's my boyfriend now. Surprise! I was kind of lost in thought, until I felt something I couldn't shake off. Feeling watched, I walked a little bit faster, until I let out a sigh of relief as I saw my house getting closer. Don't we all have that feeling once in a while? Ryan almost lived there, though I wish he did for real..

"Ryan - Sweetie - Are you here!?" I yelled out as I got inside, kicking off my shoes and putting my bag down by the door. I heard footsteps hurry towards me, and as I had just finished hanging up my jacket, Ryan tackle hugged me.

"I've missed you (Y/n)! I have been waiting for soooo long, you know?"

'Wait, but... How long have you been here? ...Nevermind.' Mentally shrugging away the thoughts appearing inside my head.

"I love you~"

My red-haired lover buried his head into my chest, flustered and mumbling a soft; 'Love you too'. Chuckling, I lifted up his chin, making his golden brown orbs lock with my own (e/c) ones. Watching as his faint blush became more noticeable, I pecked his cheek, waiting for his reaction.

It turned out to be priceless.

In public and towards friends, he acts tough, handsome and brave, but in reality he's just a clingy, shy, and hella adorable cinnamon roll (and might I add blushing mess). Though, only a few of his close ones, has the privilege of knowing it and experiencing it. He cares a lot, though he hates to admit it, and he does NOT like the fact that he's weak.

When I first met him I thought he was an asshole, until I saw how he could warm up to someone, just like I did to him. I felt myself slowly falling for this cutie, and, here we are; cuddling on the floor and silently having a competition about making the other blush the most.

~ו Later same day • night •×~

I was laying in bed, browsing memes because I was bored and couldn't sleep. Ryan was beside me, already asleep. Yeah, he decided to sleep over since it got pretty late... Sighing, I put away my phone onto the nightstand, and rolled towards Mr. SpikyHair.

Ya, his hair looks spiky as heck, but actually it's extremely soft and has a strange scent of vanilla. Yes I sniff his hair. I know it's creepy, b-but I can't resist, okay? First I thought it was his shampoo or something, but nope. It was all natural, and it had me confused a looong while. I mean, is it even possible? I don't know, but I like it.

His back facing towards me seemed to invite my body to wrap around his, and so, I did. Face buried in the crook of his neck, smelling the faint vanilla from him and feeling the warmth of his body made me relax. So much, I fell asleep almost immediately.

~ו The next day • morning •×~

{{ RYANS P.O.V. }}

I woke up to (Y/n) hugging me from behind. I turned to look at my little angel, and she looked so peaceful. I giggled, and turned in her arms to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Her sleeping face had its own kind of cuteness. One that only I could adore. Anyone else would laugh, saying it was hilarious, but no. If they did that, they would've been messing with me. And I'm telling you, you don't wanna mess with me.

No matter how cute I may look in (Y/n)s arms, I can be way more than adorable. Well, at least (Y/n) has told me I'm cute.. I blushed at the thought of that. No one else can call me cute except her. But if they said I was cute with her, then... That's fine, because it's a compliment to our relationship.

If anyone called (Y/n) cute, they'd be dead to me. Or, sort of. I'm softhearted, ok? I admit it, happy? I decided I should get out of the bed and get ready for a new day instead. Contemplating whether to wake up a grumpy demon or let the angel sleep in, I decided the latter would be best for the both of us.

Sneaking out of her grasp and into the bathroom, I did my business and whatever else I needed to do, before going to the living room to wait for (Y/n). I grabbed a comic book from the table, sat down on the couch, and started to read.

It did kill time, but after I had read it all, and I've already read all the other ones, I got bored. I knew (Y/n) was not a morning person, but she hasn't ever slept this long before. It was almost 11 AM, according to the clock on the wall. Maybe I kept her up too late yesterday...

I felt a bit guilty for messing up her sleeping pattern. I was the one who talked her into binge watching our favorite show with me... To make up for it, I thought breakfast would be a good idea. And with that, I got up to make some.

{{ READERS P.O.V. }}

Groaning, I woke up to the sun deciding it would be a good idea to rub it's shiny ass in my eyes. Glancing at my alarm clock, I read; "T-twelve twenty two!?" Fuck, how the hell did I not wake up before ten?

I heard muffled humming from somewhere in my house, and me just waking up, I didn't even think of the possibility of Ryan being there. I groggily sat up and threw the blanket off. I shuffled towards the door, and followed the noise.

The humming stopped as I had turned the corner before the kitchen. Turning the other corner, I was met with a big smile plastered on the adorable face of Ryan. He was wearing a fluffy pink apron which I had no idea how he got, while flipping pancakes.

"(Y/n), you're awake!" he spoke, while his eyes lit up. "You were asleep for so long I thought you would never wake up! L-like I had put a curse on you by keeping you up so late or something, I-I'm sorry hun, I-I-" I couldn't really hear that much, except the fact he called me 'hun' and he was the reason for my late sleeping.

"Hun? Well that's new," I muttered. My voice was kind of odd in the morning, and I was still tired. He looked at me with wide eyes. "H-huh? I said that?" "Yeah, you did. Now get back to cooking before you burn the house down." He blushed and went back to his pancakes.

He was so sweet.


Then I went to the couch and fell asleep again.








[Well, that went well, I guess ;w;° There wasn't much action or anything, but this is like, just for starters...
(Kinda short too. From now on, 1000 words is the limit of how short my chapters can be. There will be more cinnabun Ryan!) Comment if there's anything you want written by me and put into this book! Though I highly doubt that :3

Words - about 1000+]

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