Awkward? Kind Of...

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Onyx [oc][m] x Reader [f]
Rushed crap-piece.
You're welcome...



He'd pinned her against the wall.

Everyone else had rushed outside as soon as they had the chance, only Onyx and (Y/n) had taken their time packing up their bags.

His heart was racing. This was the first time he'd ever made a move on a girl – but it was no surpise he was rather rough, despite his shyness. He was.. Him, after all.

(Y/n)'s head was spinning, too. Even though his eyes were shut tightly, she could see his golden eyes that everyone thought were lenses glaring into her soul. He was the kind of guy that you'd catch staring from the other side of the room, only to realize he was just lost in his toughts.

Everyone thought he was a weirdo. His hair defied gravity, and his eyes the laws of nature, but to (Y/n), there was beauty in it. All the other kids saw him as different and strange — some had even accused him of being a supernatural being, to which their friends just laughed and said 'if he were, we'd know' — and the teachers just said he was 'special'.

And he was. At least in (Y/n)'s eyes. The same ones that were watching him closely while she bit her lip in anticipation.

With one hand beside her head and one in his pocket, Onyx wasn't really looking like he knew what he was doing — which he didn't.

When he'd finally gathered up the courage, he took a deep breath and looked up at the girl in front of him, a little bit of pink dusting his cheeks when it clicked for him how close they actually were.

"I-I.. Um..." he stuttered, quickly looking down and scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. (Y/n) glanced around, not sure what to do or say in a moment like this. She never really was the type of girl one would approach unless you were already next to her, so no one ever really got close.

Sure, she had friends, but not that many guys she could get any tips from. Not that she'd know if Onyx was like a normal guy anyways, but still. A little bit of help in such a situation would be very much appreciated.

"I've been...watching you. F-for a while now and, uh.. I was w-wondering if you'd like to g-go out s..some time.." he finally said, keeping his gaze on the floor and swallowing, awaiting her response.

He thought of running away, and just hiding forever from the awkwardness in the classroom. It took so much of him to even walk up to her, and looking her in the eyes for the split second that he did wasn't easy either.

When she didn't answer after a few seconds, he added; "I-I know I'm not the kind of person anyone would l-like or a-anyone's first choice, but.. I-it'd make me...really happy...."

Little did he know how she saw him. Every time he was caught staring and acted like he was lost in thought, she'd be staring back for a few seconds before getting back to whatever she was doing. Not because she was thinking how weird he was, like he thought, but because she thought he was.. Cute.

She'd see him sleeping in some boring classes, and when he walked over to meet his little brother when school ended, his gravity-defying hair would bounce with every step he took. She'd also seen him when he wasn't in that great of a mood, but it didn't affect how he looked at all. At least not her view on him.

She could see every little detail that changed from day to day, noticed every change of behavior, everything. Nothing went unnoticed. That was how much she adored him. He just hadn't noticed in his belief that.. He was not the kind of person anyone would like. Neither as a friend nor lover.

She noticed his hand was sliding down the wall, as he was slowly starting to retreat, taking her silence as rejection. He nodded, and mumbled an 'I see..', before taking a step backwards with his head still hanging low.

Slight panic crossed (Y/n)'s face, and through quick thinking, almost like a reflex, she grabbed his hand before it slipped out of reach. Onyx looked up at her surprised, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open, like it was paused mid-gasp.


Before he could get any words out, she hugged him, shocking him even more. Why would such a wonderful girl like her get willingly closer..?

"Yes. I'll go out with you," she said, her face buried in his neck and her warm breath hitting his bare skin.

"..r-really?" he almost choked out, before wrapping his arms around her body and engraving her smell and shape into his memory. "I... Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for, I've been.. Watching you too, and to be honest, I think I like what I see," she pulled away just enough to see his face, and put a hand on his cheek, smiling awkwardly.

He blushed, unsure of what to say to such a thing. If there was one thing he wasn't, it was smooth. He could never be, unless he was in one of his 'moods'. And those, he would never want (Y/n) to see.

"I'm.. Happy.." he simply replied, grinning back at her in such a manner that made her heart melt. "R-really happy..."

They locked eyes for a few moments, his golden gaze staring into her (e/c) ones. Then she chuckled and pecked his cheek, making both of their faces tinted just a little bit redder.

"Cute," she said, smiling.

"S-so.. You wanna come over some day or.. something...?" he asked, running a hand through his hair that matched his name.

"Sure," she replied, pulling away further and going to pick up her bag, pulling it onto her shoulders. As Onyx did the same, she took a hold of his hand, and they walked side by side to the school gate, where Robert was waiting patiently for his big brother to accompany him on the way home.

Hopefully this wasn't total shit...
Anyways there ain't nothing better than some wholesome 1am posting, amirite?



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