Elentiya ••• Exploration

637 17 1

{A/N: Thank you Whynot5532 for your wonderful comment and support! It made my day! In honor of Whynot5532, I will be writing a slightly longer chapter. Enjoy!}

Snuggled up in bed, I pulled my blankets toward me as I flipped to the next page in my book. The smell of a new book reached my nose as I read, engrossed in the book.

After a few more minutes, I put my book down with a sigh. Pulling the covers back to reveal my pants and white top, I stretched. I shivered as I placed my feet on the cold wood.

At the moment it was winter in Terrasen. Powdered snow could be seen all along the ground outside, covering up the beautiful kingsbloom flowers.

On silent feet, I walked into my closet. Slipping some boots and daggers on, I looked to the mirror.

I looked to be in my twenties as I had settled this year on my 25th birthday. My long silver hair cascaded down in small waves, ending slightly below my lower back. I inherited my slightly tanned skin from my mother, accompanied by Ashryver eyes. I am a little bit taller than my mother, much to her disappointment, but took after her body shape.

Turning I walked to my door, ready for breakfast with Mother and Father. Only to be stopped, when I portal opened up beneath my feet, sucking me into it.


As I came to my senses, I registered banging and yelling on a door. Immediately I felt something or someone beneath me grunting. With a start, I realized whoever I was on top of believed me to be unconscious. 

Using that to my advantage, I closed my eyes and steady my breathing. Before going completely still, I shifted my head undetectably, coving my pointing ears with hair.

Eventually, more people came into the room and pulled whoever I was laying on out from under me. Listening to their conversation, I picked up valuable pieces of information.

One, I was in another world. Two, from the number of heartbeats in the room, there were seven people, discluding me. Three, none of them recognized me. Four, much to my delight, the leader, or one of the leaders, was a female. Five, they were important people, based on the number of places they owned that they could bring me to. Six, they all radiated power. Seven, they would treat me well unless I did something to warrant their mistrust. Eight, I would be watched often. Nine, they did not realize how much of a threat I was.

As their conversation came to a close, I was picked up by someone with silent footsteps and a strong build. As I was lifted, I lolled my head while keeping my ears from sight.

The world grew dark around me as felt myself move from one place to the next. People in this world had the same abilities as Uncle Fenrys!

As the world grew lighter, I was placed on something soft, most likely a bed. When I could no longer hear voices, footsteps, or heartbeats, I opened my eyes and took in the surroundings.

I was in a nice quality bedroom, resting atop a soft bed. Servel paintings could be found around the room, all of the night sky. Every painting was signed by an artist named Feyre.

Making no noise, I stood up and walked to the bathing room.

The bathroom was also of a very nice quality. Everything was clean and perfect. Whoever owned the house must have been rich. The most noticeable thing was the large tub in the corner of the room. It was so huge it could probably hold three people, at least! How peculiar!

I made my way further into the bathroom to find a gigantic walk-in closet! If Mother where she would squeal in delight as Father would shack his head, trying not to laugh. The thought brings a smile to my lips and homesickness to my heart. How am I going to get home?!

Sighing I walked out of the closet to my balcony. As I reach the balcony, I gasp. Bellow me is a city filled with life and color. Mountains surround part of the city and water can be seen in the distance. Above is the night sky, filled with thousands of stars, teeming with life and color. It was beautiful.

With a flash, I shift into a golden hawk and fly into the city. The air and wind are fine for flying but not nearly as much as home. Terrasan was practically built for birds. Father and I would spend hours on end flying through the city together, bending the winds to give us speed.

Soaring through the city, I see tons of people laughing and talking. Clearly, the majority of them are nocturnal, but some aren't. Confused, I swoop down and perch on a roof. Upon closer inspection, I quickly realized that none of the people were human or Fae, at least not fully. They appeared to be of multiple different species. Some had unique skin colors and others glowed. There were many other different types of people walking around as well. It was amazingly beautiful.

Taking off again, I flew around the city eavesdropping. Apparently, I was a land called Velaris, the City of Starlight. Velaris was apparently apart of something called the Night Court, ruled by a High Lord and Lady.

Satisfied with the information I had gathered I took off, flying back to my new room. The wind felt nice against my feathers, as I soared through the starry sky. Flying slowly I looked down at the City of Starlight. It was so beautiful, making me homesick for Terrasen. Such unusual people lived here, so different from my home.

But there, the beating of my wings slowed, there were people like me! Through their hair, you could see pointed ears, just like mine! Flying closer I could feel the power radiating off of them. With a start, I realized these people where there when I fell through the portal! Two were missing though, probably stationed to look after me back at their house. There were four females, and one male, all of them Fae. The female with golden brown hair stood close to the male. The rings on both of their fingers indicated that they were married. The female with night black hair next to them, was most likely their daughter, with her father's hair and mother's shape. The female with the blood red dress was most likely the partyer of the group, based on her constant talking, laughing, and drinking. To be honest the female reminded me of my own mother a bit, especially with the golden hair. The last woman was the quietest and drank her wine slowly as if she was unused to it. Based off of the barely touched plate next to her, she wasn't used to food either. Peculiar.

As the people kept talking I flew to my new room. The balcony came into sight and I dove down fast as the winds carried me. With a flash, I shifted mid-air landing on my feet immediately walking to my bed. I debated changing into one of the closets nightgowns but knew it would be suspicious to miraculously appear in one the next morning. With a yawn, I flopped on top of the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

{A/N: 1,232 words! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!! Party dance!}

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