••• The Fight •••

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Ayla Pov:

Cassian struck first. A quick, easy to dodge blow, as he had promised, to Elentiya's head. Elentiya stepped back, out of reach from his fist. Not particularly fast, not a block, but at least she avoided the blow. Cassian sent a few more punches her way, Elentiya stepping out of the way of them all, not necessarily an advanced dodge, but effective nonetheless. A few more hits were shot her way, each missing, expelling the idea of beginner's luck and proving that Elentiya had indeed learned the basics. Cassian's next few punches came faster. He would slowly ramp up the difficulty to determine her skill level. His punches kept coming faster forcing Elentiya to increase her pace. 

Cassian's expression was calm and calculated, the face of the night courts general, and Elentiya--her expression was calm but her eyes held an untamed wild glee. Ayla's breath caught in her throat at the gleam in her eyes, and somehow, somehow she knew that Elentiya was just getting started. 

Cassian's punches were quick enough that Elentiya had been forced to start ducking to dodge them. Cassian shot a punch to Elentiya's head but there- Ayla's world slowed. Elentiya was focused on Cassian's right hand, heading straight at her head, but his left hand.... His left hand was shooting straight for her side, his arm lining up, his brute strength piled into that one punch. This was how Illyrian's fought, brutal, swift, deadly, with no mercy. Because Elentiya would undoubtedly duck to avoid the blow to her face, allowing all of Cassian's brute strength, in that one punch, to hit her square in the side of her head. Cassian knew it too, he'd hit her hard, most likely knock her out for a few seconds, then help her up and teach her how to prevent it. It was the choice of a commander, if she knew what it felt like to get hit, she would be all the more eager to learn how to protect herself. 

Ayla sucked in a breath to call out a warning, the hit would her like Hel, even the best of fighters would be knocked out cold, Cassian might even break her jaw, but too fast Elentiya ducked, and Cassian hit her in the face. A load crack echoed through the cave, all senses around her muted as Ayla watched Elentiya soar back and fall, hard, on her back. She could vaguely make out her dad suck in a breath next to her, the blow would keep anyone done for minutes. Ayla's heartbeat was too loud in her ears as she made to run for Elentiya. To help her or destroy Cassian, she wasn't sure yet. 

But she paused as Elentiya, against all odds, pushed herself up to her elbows only seconds after being knocked down and gave Cassian a broad smile, "So that's how Illyrian's fight." 

Cassian halted, blinked, then blinked again. Indeed everyone in the room seemed to freeze as this still unknown stranger got to her feet after being knocked across the ring by the Night Court's best fighter. Elentiya pushed herself all the way up with a grunt, the side of her face a blazing pink from where Cassian had hit her. Elentiya widened her stance, bent her knees slightly, raised her fists, turned to her head to the left and spat out a mouthful of blood, then gave Cassian a feral grin, her elongated canines on full display, "Rematch Wings?" Ayla heard her father stifle a disbelieving laugh behind her. She could only gap in awe as Cassian assessed the young mysterious Fae in front of him. He seemed inclined to disagree, his gaze darting between her eyes and her purple turning cheek, no doubt wanting to check it out, ensuring no permanent damage was done. All such thoughts seemed to ebb out of his head as Elentiya sent him a small grin that would drive any Fae or Illyrian insane. 

Ayla chuckled to herself as Cassian got into position opposite Elentiya, "One more fight, then we check out that bruise." Elentiya just gave Cassian that small smile again. Cassian struck hard and fast at her face. This time Elentiya ducked, then in one sweeping motion, roundhouse kicked Cassian in the face. 

Ayla blinked, then blinked again as Cassian stumbled back, wings flaring to help keep his balance. But Elentiya didn't lower her fists, she just stayed there, staring at Cassian, ready for him to charge again. But much to Ayla's surprise, Elentiya was moving side to side while waiting for Cassian to strike again, her eyes darting in all directions, like.... Like Elentiya thought Cassian might winnow behind her. If Ayla was being honest, it was frankly startling. Only the most powerful of warriors could window and if she fought like that she must have been trained by a professional. Unless, Ayla concluded, it was normal for people in her world to window. She made a mental note to ask Elentiya about it later. 

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