••• News From The High Lords •••

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Ayla POV: 

The booming of wings filled the air as Ayla carried Elentiya back to the Manor of Dreams. She was surprisingly warm in her arms as they flew fast through the frigid air. 

Elentiya tried to strike up conversation, "So what do you think your parents want to talk to us about?" That was the reason they were leaving now instead of staying the night at the Illyrian camp as Ayla often liked to do. It was closer to the forest than the Manor of Dreams and as Ayla couldn't sleep in the forest due to the monsters at night, the camp was always her best option. 

"They probably just want to go over what happened at the high lords meeting." Ayla was actually positive it was that, as her father had instructed her mind to mind to hurry home so that they could discuss the meeting. She hadn't told Elentiya though, in order to avoid the explanation of mind to mind communication. She had simply scared the wits out of another Illyrian ask them mind to mind to come talk to her. The Illyrian had done so on shaky legs and with good reason. After she beat up dozens of those Illryian so thoroughly, she doubted any of them would look at her without fear for the next month. When Elentiya had latter asked what the Illyrian had told her, she had pretended they were bringing the message that her parents wanted her to come home. She would have gone a step farther in telling Elentiya what her parents wanted to talk about, but she had the feeling Elentiya was smart to become suspicious about it. No powerful court would share personal and important information with subjects that were already so unloyal and for some reason Ayla thought Elentiya would know that. 

She looked down at Elentiya now, who had gone quiet. She was so particular. Her eyes were closed as she savored the feeling of flying. But she didn't stir at the loud loud noises coming from the flapping of her wings and didn't seem to be frightened to be in the air for the first time. Instead she had seemed happy, as if welcoming an old friend. It was so very very strange.

 And then there was the matter that she had refused to fight her today. When Elentiya first arrived she had the stance of a warrior but today it was slightly more subdued, as if she was trying to hide it. And there was no doubt that she had wanted to fight her. Ayla had seen the fact clearly in her eyes, but she didn't push it, for whatever reason Elentiya didn't want to fight and Ayla was ok with that. She would give her time. 

The Manor of Dreams came into view and Ayla flew the last few feet before landing in front of the house with a large beat of her wings. Elentiya opened her eyes, sensing the ride was over and got out of Ayla's arms smoothly and quickly landing lightly on the ground. It was that right there that made Ayla suspicious. Elentiya had been able to notice the sight differential in Ayla's wings pattern and identify it as Ayla reaching the ground. And then she had stepped on the floor without the usually weird feeling that came after flying that Ayla herself had had her first few times flying. What kind of creatures did she have in her world? 

Elentiya interrupted her thoughts with a smirk, "Aren't you going to invite me in?" 

If Elentiya wanted to play this game she would too, so with a flourish, Ayla bowed, "But of course my lady, you are always welcomed in my home." Elentiya laughed lightly and walked through the door.


Mor POV: 

The girl with silver hair was sitting next to Ayla, currently picking at her nails. It was fascinating to meet someone from a different world, Mor couldn't wait to take her on a shopping spree in Velaris and learn all of her customs. 

"Let's get started," Feyre announced. Mor turned her gaze from Elentiya still picking her nails, to Feyre. She was still dressed in her black gown, beaded with gems that shone like the night sky. She had discarded her crown though, and looked visibly relaxed now that the meeting was over. 

The other High Lords still hadn't fully expected her position as High Lady but they were getting better, at least most of them. Beron cleared still disapproved and ignored her whenever she talked. And Tamlin, Tamlin hadn't said a thing the whole meeting. He had just stared at Feyre with such empty broken eyes. He had starred so long that Mor was positive that Rhys was going to launch himself at him. But he had restrained himself as they all did, for the reason alone that Feyre had ordered them to do so. 

"We need to talk about the high lords meeting." Feyre clarified. "As you all know, the high lords called the meeting to ask about what caused the earth to shake. We explained to them that a Fae from another world, Elentiya, fell out of a portal and that she is residing here and does not pose a threat. However, they were not so easily convinced so they request to meet you." Mor turned to Elentiya who finally looked up. 

Mor's breath was again taken away at the sight of her eyes. They were gorgeous, a stunning ocean blue with a pupil ringed in gold. A gold that seemed to glow like molten lava. In fact, every part of Elentiya was beautiful. She was so otherworldly beautiful that Mor wondered if Fae in her world were naturally beautiful. 

Mor snapped out of her thoughts and turned back to Feyre who had begun speaking again. "However, we were able to convince the high lords to give you time to adjust to the new world. You have two weeks" Elentiya blinked. 

"We thought we could instead use this time to figure out a way to get you back home. Hopefully, before the meeting so you don't have to go." Rhys cut in. Elentiya visibly relaxed. Strict parents? Mor wondered. "And of course, housing and food will be provided." Rhys continued, "Does that seem like a reasonable plan?" She nodded and smirked, to be honest it was blatantly scary, "I expect to be treated like a princess." Serious faces turned to smiles and relief, she was ok with the plan. "And in the meantime?" Cassian asked. I grinned, "Let's show Elentiya how to party!"

A/N: High guys! Thank you to everyone who commented on my last "Not a Chapter "post. Your inputs really help!  But I'm writing to you guys now to tell you I have finished my outline for this story! I'm planning on writing forty-one chapters total plus an epilogue. It might end up being more chapters if I think I need to split a chapter in half because it's too long. Even though I have everything planned out, I'm still willing to take suggestions, so please comment!  But after the next chapter comes out, I won't be taking any more suggestions as it will be too late to incorporate them. Thanks for reading and commenting! You guys make my day!


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