Elentiya ••• In Velaris

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Laughter could be heard all throughout the town as the Inner Circle and Elentiya made their way to a restaurant Ayla had told her was called Rita's. Elentiya was walking next to Ayla now as she continued downtown. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ayla said softly to her. Elentiya smiled, "It really is." It reminded her so much of home. The children laughing and running through the streets, the joy floating through the air, and everyone's obvious love of the city. But, Elentiya couldn't deny how much she missed spotting wild kings flames blooming in the middle of streets and the kiss of the mountain air singing to her, begging her to catch its current and fly with the wind through the trees and mountains. 

Ayla scanned her face, "What are you thinking about?" Elentiya shook her head smiling, brushing the question off. Before Ayla could push further, Mor cut in, announcing their arrival.


Elentiya fiddled with her fork as the waiter took the rest of the tables' orders. As Ayla, Amren, and herself had already ordered Azriel was last to finish up. The rest of the Night Court had gone off to dance and converse. Even Elentiya, was itching to get up and dance with the rest of them, but her grumbling stomach had delayed the task. Azriel finished and the waiter left to get their food. To be honest, Elentiya had no clue what she was getting as all the titles on the menu were unfamiliar to her. But Ayla saved her the embarrassment of unknowing and with her permission, had order for her. 

Ayla tried to strike up a conversation, "What's your favorite food?" Elentiya turned her gaze from her fork to Ayla. Barely noticeable wonder flashed briefly in Ayla's eyes as Elentiya met her gaze. 

"Steak." Ayla smiled and something twinkled in her eyes. Before Elentiya could interpret it a Night Court citizen came up to introduce themselves to Ayla. Ayla turned to them, politely engaging in conversation. 

With Ayla preoccupied, Elentiya looked around the restaurant. It was a gorgeous place, loud and lively. There were tons of tables spread throughout the restaurant, each decorated with black tablecloths that seemed to sparkle and vases filled with dark violet flowers. On the ceiling fairy lights were strung about casting a warm homey glow. To tie it all together large paintings hung from the walls, all unique and beautiful. The most stunning paintings had the same precise curling signatures in their corners. 

One of the paintings caught Elentiya's eye. It was a beautiful night sky filled with shooting stars that even in painting form held warmth. Her eyes fixated on twelve of those stars, flying in a tight formation, glowing slightly brighter than the rest. Elentiya's gaze was torn away from the painting as something bright green entered her vision. 

She turned to see a laughing green male with pointed ears talking to the bar keeper. And then there was that. The many strange and wonderful versions of Fae. She watched the male laugh with the bar keeper and pay for a drink. He threw a smile at the bar keeper as he grabbed the strange purple drink and weaved his way through the crowd and to the outside part of the restaurant. 

Elentiya's breath caught in her throat as she again beheld the night sky and the people dancing underneath it. The Waste's skies couldn't even match these, not with the way it seemed to breath and swirl with the people beneath it, dancing with purple and black streaked with the bright twinkling of stars. 

Elentiya's gaze refocused on the table as she felt eyes on the back of her head. She looked to see Azriel flat out staring at her, seemingly unaware of him doing so. She snapped her fingers in front of his face and smirked as he came back to reality. 

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