••• The New Girl •••

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Ayla Pov:

Father, Mother, Aunt Mor, Aunt Amren, and I were spending the evening at Rita's. It was Aunt Mor's idea, saying that some fun might help Aunt Amren get over her sadness, at least for the night.

As the partying continued, I couldn't help but think about the mysterious girl we had found earlier. It was so strange, someone falling out of another world. I wonder if her world is like ours. But most of all, I wondered if she actually came from Amren's world. Or had the portal gone somewhere else?

Sighing, I decided to take a break and told Mother and Father I was heading back home earlier. Pushing through the crowd, I made it to the outskirt and windowed back home. Father and I had forgone the wings this evening because of the crowd. As I appear in my bedroom, I got ready for the night and quickly fell asleep.


Elentiya Pov:

The bright morning sun leaked through the windows as the new day began. Slowly I woke up, tired after my late-night exploration. Yawning, I stretched and pulled the covers back. Getting up I made my way to the room-sized closet.

I traced my hand along the soft array of clothes. Picking out a pair of pants, a pine-green colored t-shirt, and a pair of workout boots, I got changed. The fabric was smooth and soft against my skin, much to my delight, and could be moved around in easily. After hiding knives within my clothing, I headed to the mirror. Gently I combed out my sliver hair and braided it's front two strands. I let my ears peak through my hair, as my elongated canines would give me anyway give me away. Satisfied, I kept my face plain and headed out the door.

Closing her door loudly, she waited for someone to get her. After a few seconds, a man materialized out of the shadows. He was gorgeous, with dark black hair, hazel eyes, and a kind quite face. They would be friends fast, she could tell. But his wings were what caught her attention. Large, beautiful, black wings, that looked soft to the touch. But there was no doubt, that they were powerful. I wondered briefly who would win in a race.

Hiding my shock and excrement, I schooled my face into a causal smirk.

"I like your wings," I purred reaching out to touch them. They felt smooth and soft against my fingers.

With a shake, the male, or man based off of his round ears, took a step back. "Here, my kind's wings are.... sensitive."

I snatched my hand back understanding what he meant. "So, where do we go now?"

"This way," he murmured, walking down the hall.

Following him, I decided to strike up conversation, "Do I get the pleasure of knowing your name."

He smiled a little and replied, "Azriel, my name is Azriel."

I studied him closer. He was wearing black fighting leathers, along with blue gems that radiated power. Shadows seemed to follow him everywhere he went.

"May I ask you a question?"

"If I can ask you one in return," he replies, a small smile forming on his lips.

Nodding I ask, "Why do the shadows follow you?"

"In this world, I am called a Shadowsinger. The shadows bring me information and whisper it to me."

Interesting. I nod, "Your turn."

"Is it common for High Fae in your world to have fangs."

High Fae? Once again, interesting. "Yes, do your's not?"


The idea of Fae without fangs was intriguing. Did they not claim their partners with bit marks as we did?

As we walked I memorized the layout of the house. Paintings were everywhere, and the house was decorated brightly. As we reached the dining room, I recognized the people sitting down.

At the head was the brown-golden head female from last night. Her blue-grey eyes held compassion and fit in perfectly with her beautiful features. On her right was her husband who had striking violet eyes and tanned skin. Next to her husband was their daughter. She was stunning. She had her father's black hair, that sparkled like the night sky. Her violet eyes stood out against her pale skin, and giant bat wings, just like Azriel's, were now behind her. Next to the female was another man with bat wings. He had medium length hair, a cocky expression, and red gems instead of blue.

On the other side of the table, to the right of the blue-eyed lady, sat the gorgeous blond from last night. Upon closer expectation, her hair was not the same as my Mother's. The female's hair was closer to blond, whereas Mother's hair glowed like the sun. Next to the blond female was a black-haired female. A pixie cut framed her face, accompanied by a bored expression and glowing silver eyes.

This was going to be interesting.

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