Chapter 20

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Chapter 20- 'Ignorance is bliss'

Y/N was trying to figure out how things got this away from her. Trying to remember her purpose and her will was hard, especially after someone explained to her how she was found. Apparently she had been attacked that night after they came back from the party, and things got pretty scary, but she couldn't remember a single thing. Hell, there weren't even scars to remind her of what happened because Recovery Girl completely healed her.

The police, even the pros, kept pestering her about reasons why this was happening to her. All the talk about there having been a reason why she was targeted, made the girl uncomfortable. Being that she couldn't even remember what happened, or who did what, it was a difficult process for her to even think up a somewhat useful idea.

Things were starting to get confusing for the poor girl. She couldn't help but think about it too, now that everyone was pestering her about it. 'Why on earth would I be attacked?' It just made no sense, to her, her quirk wasn't even impressive so she dismissed that being the cause. But then that left her with nothing.. well nothing except how she got here.

Never once did Y/N understand or figure out how she got into this universe, and from the way it happened, it seemed as though she was brought here. Sure she made rash conclusions about it a while back, but that was only because she got tired of trying to figure it out. But now, it was pretty clear to her.

What if someone did bring me here?

The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. There's no other way she could've gotten here aside from someone bringing her to this universe. But how?

A quirk..

"Holy shit.." She whispered out, completely shocked by her theory. Y/N felt like she was a genius coming up with this conclusion, thanking all of the anime's and books that she's read or watched in her life. Unconsciously, she reached for her notebook that was on the hospital side table.

Hypothetically speaking, it wouldn't be all that impossible. Just months ago, I didn't believe this world even existed, but here I am now. So if I'm here, that means there are other 'realities' or 'universes'. And to come here out of all of them? It couldn't just be because I'm a fan.. Because if that's the case I should've landed in the Naruto universe. So then someone had to bring me here? It's the only thing that makes sense. And in a universe filled with quirks, it's not impossible that someone out there has a quirk that could allow them to pull that off.

The H/C haired girl was completely muttering to herself, taking it upon herself to even write her theories down in a medium sized notebook that her mom got for her.

After a couple of hours of theorizing a knock sounded on her door, which she failed to hear as she was still muttering incoherently to herself. The person decided to just let themselves in, assuming she was either sleep or not paying attention. The sound of a throat clearing itself bought the girl back down to earth, as her big E/C eyes finally tore themselves from the small notebook.

She stared at the man, waiting for him to say anything. Y/N was honestly hoping he was coming to tell her that she could leave and go home or something. She hated being in the hospital, especially since she felt fine and she was healthy.

"They say you're being discharged tomorrow." He started, voice low and monotone as he walked over to the big windows that gave a clear view of the city.

A hum emitted from the girl, showing that she was happy to hear the news. She slowly closed her book, laying it down next to her as she fixed her attention on the sleepy man.

"When will I be able to go back to school?" She asked quietly, hoping that she would be able to go soon because she's had enough of her family to last a lifetime, and she missed her friends.

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