chapter six

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After a while of messing around, I told the boys I needed to get ready for tonight.

Even though it'd take them only minutes to get ready, it'd definitely take me over an hour.

The club was very nice and since we would be in the VIP section I figured I should put in some effort.

Mitchel practically insisted on coming over to my apartment to hang out with me while I got ready, but I didn't put up much of a fight. I enjoyed his company.

We walked back to their hotel room (in the city, walking is way faster than driving and they weren't very far), and we went up to their huge ass suite, where Mitchel could change before we went to my place.

"I'll show you my room," Mitchel grabbed my hand, dragging me along behind him.

"I'm technically sharing it with Christian but I have no clue where he is. He just told us this morning he was going out with a friend."

I sat down on the perfectly made bed, and assumed housekeeping had tidied up the room.

"It's so nice," I admired the room, looking around. "It really is, our tour managers are so good about setting everything up for us." He unzipped his suitcase, shuffling through a few things.

"I'm gonna wear these jeans, so I just have to change my shirt and we can go." He pulled a few things out, laying them on the bed and standing up.

Before I could even process the fact that now was the time where he would actually change his clothes, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head carelessly.

To avoid embarrassing myself further by staring, I looked down at my hands, although they were not near as fascinating as Mitchel Cave.

As easy as it would've been to just look up, I used an insane amount of self control to refrain myself.

I felt him looking at the top of my head. I heard him slightly chuckle to himself, most likely realizing what I was trying to do.

"You know you can look, it's not like i'm naked." I looked up at him fast, careful to not let my eyes linger before meeting his. "I know, I just feel like it's, uhh, rude." His eyes widened in amusement, "oh yeah?"

cocky motherfucker.

"Yep," I tried to stick my ground, but somehow he knew exactly what was going through my head.

"Can you just put your damn shirt on?" He let out a loud laugh, but apparently decided to stop torturing me.

I looked at the ceiling, as if there was something intriguing up there.

He grabbed the clothes off of the bed, and I saw him put them on out of the corner of my eye.

"Okay, done." He had on a black t-shirt and a jean jacket. It wasn't anything too fancy, but was nicer than what he had on previously. "It looks good," I smiled at him.

"Okay good, lets get going then." He made sure he had his wallet and grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter to shove in his pocket. We made our way out the door, telling the others where and when to meet us.

We walked to my apartment building, generating small talk and Mitchel taking every opportunity to flirt.

When we finally got to my apartment, Mitchel looked shocked.

"Kayla, this place is amazing." He looked around wide-eyed.

"It's Sierra's, I'm just living here until I can afford my own." I set my wallet down on a table by the door.

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