Unknowing Soulmates Part 2

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((A/N - Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know the dialect is gonna look a bit different. The way I write who is talking in this chapter is how I do it in the rest of my books, and its so much easier for me. Hope you enjoy.))

Texts Between Garrett and Andrew

Andrew: Omg Garrett

Garrett: What?

Andrew: I think I love her

Garrett: Wait what?! Who do you think you love?!

Andrew: Y/N.

Garrett: Really?! Oh my gosh, you two would be so cute together! This needs to happen!

Andrew: Omg, Garrett calm down. I doubt she even likes me back.

Normal Life Andrew's POV

Garrett walks into the house and sits beside me smiling ear to ear.

Andrew: Yes, Garrett?

Garrett: Youreeee in love.

Shane walks in right as he says that, making me want to die.

Shane: Who is?

Garrett: Andrew is!


Andrew: Fine. But not in here. Lets go into the panic room so no one can hear us.

My two friends nod, and follow me into the small room and look at me expectantly.

Andrew: Okay, uh...

Apparently I wait to long to answer and Garrett got impatient.

Garrett: Hes in love with Y/N!

Shane: WHAT?!

Garrett laughs and I try to hide my blush as I put my face in my knees.

Shane: Youre in love with Y/N?! Thats so cute!

Andrew: Yeah, okay, but she doesnt like me.

Shane: What are you even talking about?! Havent you seen the way she looks at you?!

Andrew: What? She looks at me the same way she looks at any of you!

Shane: No. No she doesnt. She looks at us like she loves us, sure. But she doesnt look at us like she's in love with us.

Andrew: She doesnt look at me that way...

Garrett: Andrew, I love you, but youre really thick. She totally looks at you that way.

Shane: You have to tell her, Andrew.


I walk downstairs to ask Shane and Andrew a question, but dont find anyone.

Y/N: Guys?

I walk into the kitchen and once again find no one. I look out into the garage to see the cars are still here.

Y/N: Okay..?

I continue walking around the house before running out of places to look, so I walk around outside to the shed and to the end of the property.

Garrett and Andrew One Shots/Preferences/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now