Dead People

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     She had to do it

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     She had to do it. There was no other way. Even if it meant breaking the heart of the one person she loved with every fiber of her body. Her heart was screaming, her mind-numbing when she uttered these exact words.

"I don't love you anymore."

     The moment he left, she felt her heartbreaking. But she had to. She had to marry the man she didn't love for her pack. It was all political, she didn't love Jackson. She loved Elijah. And she broke his soul and heart, she saw it on his face. His whole world crumbling to the ground. But she had. For her. For her pack. For her family. For survival. Hayley had to do it.


     The original vampire was, he could say, confused. The woman that rose from the ground, now sitting in the snow, was looking at him, adoration in her eyes. She explained everything to him. That they were now married. And when he told her it was impossible, cause he didn't do anything, she said that he put the ring on her finger and said the vows and she agreed. So now he was indeed married. To a dead woman. She explained that to him too.

"I have been dead and laying here for the past 30 years, waiting for my true love to come and ask for my hand."
And then she erupted in giggles, her bony hand covering her mouth.

“Isn't it wonderful? You came. My true love. And now we could be together forever.”

     Her smile was blinding and Elijah felt the world spinning around him.

     She was dead. And they were married. He was dead too, he couldn't judge her for that or anything, but one question was spinning in his mind. How was this all possible?

     He asked her.

“I am or I was human. What do you mean? How could I be something else?”

     And while he was trying to wrap everything in his mind, the corpse bride was imagining the wonderful life they were going to have as a married couple. She couldn't complain either. He was a handsome young man, with a god-like figure. She couldn't keep her eyes away from him and she didn't want to.

     It was confusing but everything was explained to Emily. That the world had a dark side. The dark side is filled with magical and horrific creatures that she through only lived in books. But there he was. The vampire that started it all. The first along with his family. Hearing of his family, Emily couldn't wait to meet them. She was sure they would love her. She was always told of her beauty and nice and loving soul. She might be dead, but so were they.

     And while Elijah was thinking what to do now, the corpse bride was in her mind one thought in her head.

     Emily Mikaelson. It had a ring to it. One she couldn't help but let out a giggle.

     Closing her eyes, Emily didn't hear the disappearance of her brand new husband.

Word Count: 509

CORPSE BRIDE ¶ E. MIKAELSON √Where stories live. Discover now