The breaking point..

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*in 5th grade..* (y/n is now 11)

Class is starting. You sit down (Next to Gray) And start writing.

Gray : ..hey

Y/n : hey, what's up ?

Gray : uh..I'll tell you at Lunch..

(Gray sounded upset. I wasn't quite sure why.. I started getting worried..)

Y/n : hey, Whats wrong ?

Gray : I wanted yo tell you earlier, but..Im Moving..

My face turned to Shock. I-...i've never felt this much pain before..

Y/n : ..what? (I said in a soft voice..)

That entire day was like a living Nightmare. Gray is my best friend and i can't stand not being with him.. A couple days passed, It was depressing..Him not being there is like looseing one of the most important people in your life..which, is exactly what happened. I loved him like a brother. I felt like I just lost. Having no one to laugh with, Smile with, Or even be Happy with..gone.

*A couple weeks later*
(At the Carnival)

??? : Drops phone, but doesn't realize it*

Y/n : See's phone on The ground*

I was confused. Who's phone is this? I walked to the ferris wheel and saw a girl looking for something..Her Fuji Camara matched the Color of the Phone case. I didnt want to walk up and say "Hey heres your phone" because that could have just been a coincidence. This girl is also my age..11, I walk up to her and..

Y/n : Hey, is this your phone?

??? : Yeah, Omg thank you !! (She says ecstaticly)

Y/n : You're Welcome (Smiles)

*Goes to walk away*

??? : Hey Wait..

Y/n : Yes?

??? : I think i know you..

Y/n : Know what, i think i know you too..From school ?

??? : Yeah !

Y/n : Cool !! (Excited) whats your name?

??? : My name is Vannessa, Whats yours ?

Y/n : Im y/n

Vanessa : Nice, i'll see you tomorrow

Y/n : Okay, cya

I came home happier than usual, I feel like ever since Gray left i've been missing something.. I was missing a friend..

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