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(Continuing from "Because she knew I was heart broken..💔")

I began to Tear up. I felt upset..but numb in a way.. Vannessa stopped Huging me and said that she was sorry for what happened, And that I saw that.. Before Vannessa got out of the car she said "Follow my Car". She got in her Car, And she ended up going to the mall. I parked my Car next to hers got out..

Vannessa : Hey

Y/n : Hey- why are we at the mall ?

Vannessa : I figured we could do something Fun to try and make you feel at least alittle bit better and also so your mom didnt ask us why we were home so eraly from a party :/

Y/n : Yeah true..Alright, Lets see if this works..And also Im in desperate need for more cloths.

Vannessa : 😅😅

We go shopping for Literally hours.

(Still in the store)

Y/n : Hey, Nessa..

Vannessa : Yeah ?

Y/n : Look at this Dress..

Nessa : What dre- 😮 god.
That is..THE Prettiest dress.. IM SPEACHLESS- HUH ?! How can a dress be that Beutiful ?!

Y/n : ..Should I try it on ??


I walk to the changing room and I put it on..

(Still in the dressing room admiring the Dress)

Y/n : Vannessa !!

Vannessa : You are taking forever.

Y/n : Ik, Sorry 😅

I walk out of the Dressing room and..

Vannessa : 😮.. Nope. Go back in. You're blessing my eyes TOO MUCH. Waaaayyyy too much !!!! I feel like a just got blessed like 52,000 times. That dress just called me poor.

Y/n : Oop- 👀😅 Should I buy it ??

Vannessa : How much is it ?

Checks price Tag*

Y/n : ALOT.

Vannessa : 😬😬
Do you want it that bad ??

Y/n : Yes !! I lovvveee this. I will never find another dress like this ever. Its either Take the risk or loose the chance..kinda 😅

So I bought the dress.. and a Ton more cloths and shoes. 😅 Nessa and I go back to my house and End up coming home really late at night. I put all of my cloths away and I realized that my mom is already asleep so we didn't have her asking why we brought so many cloths in and why we left the party to go shopping 😅😬

After I put a of my cloths away, Nessa and I go to sleep in our separate beds

Y/n's POV :

(Its 5:07 am)

See's a bright light*

Y/n : ow *I squinted my eyes*

Its a text..From Gray. 😑

(Text image on insta @dolanimxgines._ )

...Are you kidding me ?

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