One of the Best days of my life..💜

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Y/n = Your name
V= Vannessa / Nessa
J= Jasmine
E= Ethan / Eeteeweeteee 😅
G= Grayson / Gray

At my house)

Y/n : C'mon..
(Staying Quiet)

V : Hold on.. (Locks bedroom door)

Y/n : Opens the Window*

Dont worry !! Even though my room IS upstairs, My Mom has people working on the roof. Their is a Ladder out of my window. I start to climb down and so does Nessa. I get a Text..

(Its 6:28pm) (These are our texts)

Gray : Hey

Y/n : Hey, We'll be over in a couple minutes !!

Gray : Okay 🙃

Vannessa and I start running around the corner, (Grays house is pretty close to mine, Its not like we were running for hours 😅) And in 3 minutes..We are here.. I started texting Gray..

(The Texts)

Y/n : Hey, We're here

Gray : Yayy !! 😄 Come around the back.

Y/n : kk

Nessa and I start walking to Grays backyard and as soon as we get there, Gray opened the Door, And let us in. He Snuck us to his room and opened his Window. All three of us Climbed onto the Rooftop and Ethan was waiting for us. We all sat next to each other in a Line.. Gray and I , And Nessa and Ethan sat next to each other.. All facing the sunset..We sat there and talked about Random things, Every two seconds Ethan and Gray would get into an aurgument that was sooo. Stupid.
Nessa and I just started Laughing 😂
A couple hours pass and Then sun went down.. Both Nessa and I started getting tired. I put my head on Gray's shoulder not knowing what I was doing, cuz duh. I'm falling asleep. 😅 But I remember waking up a couple hours later To gray hugging me..I pretended to be asleep for 3 minutes, And I peak over at Nessa..and Ethan is doing the same thing. He hugged Nessa. ☺ I Pretend to "Just wake up" and Gray jumped like he just got scard 😂 He stopped hugging me..

Still on the roof)

Gray : Hey.. You awake? You and Nessa should get home, Its really late..

I look at my phone to see that it's 12:16 am.. I gasped. I try and wake Nessa up, She doesn't budge.😑
Ethan trys to wake her up and she woke up..I guess she doesnt wake up for me anymore 😒😅..

Gray : Do you want us to walk you guys home ?

Y/n : (😳) If you want 🙃

Gray calls Ethan to come with us and he doesn't mind. They start walking us back and we are now home. Vannessa Says her goodbyes (For now) and climbs back Into the Window of my room. Before i said bye, Gray pulls me to the side and asks me something..

Gray : Hey uh, We should do that more often.. 😶🙃

Y/n : Yeah..we could (☺)

Gray : Maybe like, On Thursday ?

Y/n : Sure..🙈💜

Gray : Alright, i'll let you go 😅 Cya tomorrow 🙂

Y/n : Cya..

I climbed back into my Window and close it. Ethan and Gray both walk back home safely and as soon as Nessa and I hit the bed, We were knocked. Out. 😅💜🤞

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