The Party..

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                            , Its been a couple years since the incident..Nessa,Ethan,Gray, and I are all 16 now..

(Today is Friday btw)
We are all walking down the hallway, And I see this girl give me a Dirty look..I dont know this girl, But she did seem mad at me ? Keep in mind. I dont know this girl at. All !! Idk what I could have done to make her mad ? Anyway, Its now Lunch time and Im at the table with Vannessa and both twins. The girl that gave me a Dirty look pulled me aside from my friends to talk..

Y/n : um hi ?

??? : Dont talk to him.

Y/n : ..Who ?

??? : Gray.

Y/n : Wait why ? He's my Bestfriend-

??? : I dont care. Dont talk to him. He's mine.

She walks back to her table and I walk back to mine. Vannessa was curious of what she told me, But she didn't say anything yet. The school Day is over and before I leave Gray wanted to tell me something..

Gray : Hey !!

Y/n : heyy !!

Gray : So, I wanted to-

Some guys from the school are listening..

Boy from school : Hey gray !!

Gray looks over.

Boy from school : Go ahead and ask her out !!

Gray rolls his eyes and looks back at me.

Gray : Do you maybe wanna come to my party Tomarrow.

Y/n : Sure, Why not 🙃

Gray : Sorry, I ment to ask earlier, Since this is so last minute-

Y/n : Gray.

Gray : Yeah ?

Y/n : I'll be there. 😅

Gray : Alright ,See you there 😂🙈

Y/n : Cya ✌

And go home, Help Mom make dinner,eat dinner (duh 😅), Clean the dishes, And Fall asleep. Before I fell asleep I told my mom about the party I was going to and she said that she wants me to do wild things beacuse she wants me to Live a life I will remember..

I wake up and bolt out of bed. If you can't tell by that sentence, I am verryyy excited !! 😅 I get changed and while im Straightening my hair, I text Gray..

(Text image on insta @dolanimxgines._) 
(i asked what time, and he said 1 pm)
(Its 12:00 pm)

I finish doing my hair and I grab my Keys (Yes, I have a car now) And Drive to Grays house. Im alittle eraly (Its 12:30pm) so hopefully I can help him with The food and Decorations.
I ring the doorbell and there he was 😄

Gray : Omg, Hi y/n !!

Y/n : hii

Gray gives me a hug*

Gray : How come you came early ?

Y/n : I came alittle eraly so I could help you guys-

Lisa : Isn't she precious

Gray : 😑 mom.

Y/n : 😅 Thank you Mrs. Lisa

Lisa : Your welcome 😄

I help them Decorate and Eventually alot of people came..

Y/n : Hey gray, what time Is it ?

Gray : Itsss um.. *Checks phone* 1:50 pm

Y/n : Okay Thanks, Vannessa said she'll be over in 15 minutes

Gray : Okay

Gray looks over at Ethan*

Ethan : What ?

Gray : Ethan, Why are you not dressed ? You're Literally in your Pajamas.

I smiled. Almost laughed but Smiled.

I go to talk to a couple people and soon enough, Vannessa came !! I opened the door and gave her a hug. Nessa and I talked Aloootttt with the Twins. I feel like thats literally who we talked to pretty much the entire party. 😅
Its getting Dark now, Their are alot of people in the pool, And then..I see that girl again.

I pull Gray to the side so I could talk to him. Nessa nor Ethan saw us go talk since they were too busy talking..

Y/n : Gray

Gray : Yeah ?

Y/n : Do you know that girl ?

Gray : Who ?

Y/n : her *points*

Gray : No..I dont know her

Y/n : Okay, Thats weird.

Gray : Yeah..very.

Y/n : ..Im gonna get my phone I think I left it in my car, I'll be right back..

Gray : Okay

I go to get my phone from my car, I walk back in the house and I can't find Gray..

Vannessa's POV :

*Talking to Ethan*

Nessa : Hey, Do you know where Y/n and Gray are ?

Ethan : No..Did they leave ? 👀

Nessa : oop- ..Im gonna go look for her

Ethan : Okay

*Goes to look for y/n*
*See's y/n*

Y/n's POV :

Im walking through this big crowd of people, No ones Outback so I look there and-

Vannessa's POV :

Nessa : Y/n !!

Stands next to you*

Nessa : We couldn't find you-

Y/n's POV :

..we both were in shock. My heart sank. Gray kissed the girl who told me to stay away from him..They didn't see us but..

Nessa : 😮...

I grabbed my things and Ran to my Car. I put my purse in the passenger seat and started the Car I was speachless at what just happend. Not even a minute later, I see Vannessa running twords me.

Vannessa : Im coming with you. Im not gonna watch you leave alone.

Vannessa Got in her car and Drove to my house.

As soon as I pulled up to my house and Stopped the car. All emotions Rushed back at me again 😔.

Vannessa parked her Car, Moved my purse to the back seat, And Sat down next to me. She gave me a hug because she knew I was heart broken..💔

Dear Bestfriend.. 💜  || g.b.d Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat